Kindly advise on below matter.
We have to external web service client who called the EBWS web service hosted in the ESB. Once that call received by the ESB, ESB need to call another external web service with username token in the SOAP header.
We are using SOAP client to call the external web service from ESB but we did not find a way to include username token in to the SOAP header. Without username token, we can call the external web service but it is not the actual requirement.
I have attached the jboss-esb.xml for your reference. Kindly advise on this.
I think what you want to do is use the WISE soap client (org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.wise.SOAPClient, see the webservice_consumer_wise* quickstarts) and add a Smooks transformation that adds the username token.