6 Replies Latest reply on May 23, 2014 1:29 AM by swiderski.maciej

    Steps to follow to restrict access to repository




      I'd like to restrict access to repositories as it is possible considering chap 9 Workbench of the jBPM docs. I'm using BPMS 6.0.1GA on Windows 7.

      My simple question is what are the different steps to follow to do those restrictions, from downloading the kie-config-cli to the command lines. I can't find smthg clear about that and I'm not a great computer scientist. I've downloaded kie-config-cli from this website droolsjbpm/kie-wb-distributions · GitHub and also this one Index of /maven2/org/kie/kie-config-cli/6.0.1-SNAPSHOT, I don't even where to deploy/copy it, or if I have to upload a specific .jar in business-central. I have understood that I've to clone my repo, I have .niogit folder, I don't know what to do with. I'm working in localhost, no remote server.

      I would be very grateful if you could tell me, properly step by step, what I have to do to execute correctly kie-config-cli.bat  (1. Download files from website, 2. Clone repo, 3. Upload jars, ...N. Have fun :). I've tried several ways but no success (org.kie.config.cli.CMdMain not found, impossible to load the lib into classpath...)

      Thank you very much



        • 1. Re: Steps to follow to restrict access to repository

          I add some details, I have this error when executing kie-config-cli.bat:

          Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/kie/config/cli/CmdMain

          Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.kie.config.cli.CmdMain

                  at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

                  at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

                  at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)

                  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

                  at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

                  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

          Could not find the main class: org.kie.config.cli.CmdMain.  Program will exit.


          Yet I can see that I have CmdMain.class in my kie-config-cli-6.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar



          • 2. Re: Steps to follow to restrict access to repository

            download this distribution and unzip it. Then take a look at following readme for more details on how to use it.


            Have fun

            • 3. Re: Steps to follow to restrict access to repository

              just noticed that there is an issue with the kie-config-cli.bat script so you'll need to edit it and adjust the line where MAIN_JAR is defined use

              set MAIN_JAR=kie-config-cli-6.1.0.Beta3.jar

              instead of

              set MAIN_JAR=kie-config-cli-6.0.1.Final.jar

              NOTE: this assumes you download Beta3 distribution, if you have any other make sure that the MAIN_JAR refers to kie-config jar in the same directory as the kie-config-cli.bat file.


              and that should start the command line tool.

              I'll fix the name later today, thanks for reporting that.



              • 4. Re: Steps to follow to restrict access to repository


                Thank you very much! Actually all my issues were because it missed the file classlist.mf in the all the previous jars I've downloaded. The program couldn't find CmdMain.

                So I fixed my problem putting this file in my kie-config-cli-6.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.



                • 5. Re: Steps to follow to restrict access to repository


                  I have some issues when I clone some repositories: I can't see them in .niogit folder. I can only see the first repo I cloned. What are the steps and the restricitons to clone repo ? Where am I supposed to find my cloned repo?

                  Another question: when I add roles to repo, for example the role "group1" to "repo1", does it mean that if an analyst with also the role "group1" would only see the repo1 in the project authoring and not other repos in BC?


                  I want my users (analyst, admin, developers) to have only access to the repos and projects I decided, as promissed by kie-config-cli. How to do?





                  • 6. Re: Steps to follow to restrict access to repository

                    there are no restriction, successfully cloned repositories end up in .niogit folder.


                    In 6.0 version after you change the roles of repository you'll need to restart server to apply the changes. This has been fixed in 6.1 so changes are automatically propagated.

                    Mahmoud Boudjeltia wrote:


                    Another question: when I add roles to repo, for example the role "group1" to "repo1", does it mean that if an analyst with also the role "group1" would only see the repo1 in the project authoring and not other repos in BC?


                    I want my users (analyst, admin, developers) to have only access to the repos and projects I decided, as promissed by kie-config-cli. How to do?


                    yes, if you set roles on repository then only users that have these roles will be able to see that repository. If repository does not have any roles set then it's visible to everyone.

