1 Reply Latest reply on May 23, 2014 2:27 PM by kcbabo

    SwitchYard in domain mode



      Sorry for this question, but I recall that somewhere it was discussed, and I do not see where (probably IRC) so good to leave it here for further reference also.


      I'm deploying SwitchYard at a customer and they want to set up JBoss in domain mode. Question is, Is there any problem with setting SwitchYard in domain mode? I've seen that FSW installer configures the profiles, but it seems that only for standalone mode and not domain mode (also I remember somebody saying that installer wasn't ready).


      Also, I'm confused, as dtGov deployment uses cli, maven, copy and JON as a deployment strategy for artifacts, and I assume that only for clusters JON could work, or a modified configuration/workflow version to deploy to multiple targets.


      Any help is appreciated.

        • 1. Re: SwitchYard in domain mode

          We have tested SY in domain mode for the 1.1 release and it does work.  Keep in mind that this was limited to developer/community testing and was not run through productization and QE for FSW.  Domain mode is not supported for FSW 6.0 - I'm pretty sure the governance pieces require some packaging modifications to play nicely in domain mode.