1 Reply Latest reply on May 26, 2014 7:39 AM by gimanthab

    Getting the attributes of Axis2 webservice hosted in JBoss AS 7.1.1




      I have deployed a axis2.war in JBoss application server. I used Jconsole to connect to JBoss server, So I can monitor axis2.war as a MBean. I have not included any webservice inside war file (Currently It has the default Version service only). Inside the mbean "jboss.as" I can see there is a node called "axis2.war". inside axis2.war I can find another node called "web" which has two nodes "axis2adminServlet" and "axis2Servlet". All I want to do is to get the attributes(minTime, maxTime, requestCount..etc) inside these two nodes("axis2adminServlet and axis2Servlet). But JConsole shows the values related to those attributes as "unavailable".


      Note:axis2 "Version" service is up. I checked them through the web browser

      Note: Attached herewith is the Print-screen shot of the JConsole

      Can someone help ?

