9 Replies Latest reply on Jun 27, 2014 9:00 AM by krummler

    mod_cluster-manager UI update




      i was looking to modernize a bit UI of mod_cluster-manager, maybe use bootstrap, pull it from official CDN (v3.x+) and not go heavy on JS, in fact for initial release not use JS at all (aka bootstrap js + jquery).


      here is what i have so far, let me know if it is worthy to request a pull (this would be part of [MODCLUSTER-209] mod_cluster_manager need better presentation - JBoss Issue Tracker)


      Mod_cluster Status (20140516).png

        • 1. Re: mod_cluster-manager UI update

          I personally don't mind the simplicity of the current UI, it's straight-to-the point, simple, fast.


          However, other users (especially beginning users) might feel like it's too plain and may feel like it's something hacky that they shouldn't be using. If it were more visual, that might help more.


          maybe use bootstrap, pull it from official CDN (v3.x+)

          This is 100% no go from me. Think about usage from the intranet, where access to the internet is restricted, the console needs to be self-contained, ideally in 1 web request (as it is now). And stuff like relying on 3rd party, browser compatibility, etc.


          here is what i have so far, let me know if it is worthy to request a pull

          There is no harm and it can at least lead to discussion.

          • 2. Re: mod_cluster-manager UI update

            maybe we can just add then bunch of classes to existing elements and publish style guide, and then we can allow people who do want to style this page to just include css?

            • 3. Re: mod_cluster-manager UI update

              I would probably just create a few CSS styles inline, keep it all 1 HTTP request. Letting people configure can only bring more problems then solve.


              If people really needed to tune it badly, they can do it client-side (e.g. greasemonkey).

              • 4. Re: mod_cluster-manager UI update

                here is a little simpler update, removed bootstrap header, and embedded style in html, so now no CDN


                Mod_cluster Status (20140519).png

                • 5. Re: mod_cluster-manager UI update



                  i've submitted pull request ([MODCLUSTER-209] added boostrap 3.1.1 to managers ui by winfinit · Pull Request #82 · modcluster/mod_cluster · GitHub) however i think that i would like to redo it a bit.


                  my main goal is to simplify a bit mod_manager.c, because at the moment manager_info() is  pretty complicated, and info that it displays is pretty much the same as process_dump() with small addition, such as controls. so i was thinking maybe it is worth enhancing output of DUMP with configuration values of mod_cluster and then convert manager_info() to use xslt (client side), that way all of the html logic would go away from C, and would be more accessible to designers to make it more useful/dynamic/pretty/etc.


                  what do you think about xml/xslt approach to gen current page?

                  • 6. Re: mod_cluster-manager UI update

                    Writing html in C doesn't look a good idea for me.


                    I am not sure what is best, a template that can be changed easily or RESTEasy like layer that can be used with a client on the browser side.

                    We should also take in account what mod_proxy_balancer can do in terms of balancers/nodes adding and display.

                    • 7. Re: mod_cluster-manager UI update

                      I really hope something like this will be added, Roman. I find that the readability of the webpage is somewhat difficult when there's a lot of information.


                      Making nice CSS for the page isn't the easiest task, mostly because it's pretty much one long text with some <BR> tags in it. Something that might help in the future is to at least add more structured html (and perhaps some class names).


                      For the meantime, I made a simple greasemonkey script, as Radoslav mentioned. It's somewhat limited, but I mostly aimed for readability.


                      You can find it at: browserscripts/mod_cluster.js at master · krummler/browserscripts · GitHub


                      You can add it directly to greasemonkey/tampermonkey by adding this url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/krummler/browserscripts/master/mod_cluster.js

                      • 8. Re: mod_cluster-manager UI update

                        For the meantime, I made a simple greasemonkey script, as Radoslav mentioned. It's somewhat limited, but I mostly aimed for readability.

                        Neat. Can you post a screenshot here please?

                        • 9. Re: mod_cluster-manager UI update

                          Sure! Here you go


                          Screen Shot 2014-06-27 at 14.57.59.png