Here is one JIRAs : - Be able to indent code
I think I found how to do most of what I wrote on my email.
I'm getting code generated from Hibernate Tools and "fixing" it with
Roaster.... really nice ;o)
2014-05-28 0:04 GMT+02:00 Lincoln Baxter, III <>:
Hey Antonio,
Sorry for the late reply.
Some of the functionality you ask for is missing, but some of it is there.
I believe we have a property API which will allow you to
getAccessor/Mutator, and also the Refactory should provide the functions
for generating getters/setters. The annotation stuff I think is a gap.
Gotta keep it brief, but I hope that helps. Feel free to add JIRA issues
to ROASTER for the missing stuff and we'll try to get it done!
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Antonio Goncalves <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to use Roster 2.4.0.Final to manipulate generated Java code at
>> one of my customers. There are features that I miss, and I don't know if
>> it's because it's missing, or I don't know how to do it :
>> * Remove an attribute in an annotation. Let's say I have @Table(name =
>> "myTable", schema = "mySchema"), I want to be able to remove the schema
>> attribute and end up with @Table(name = "myTable")
>> * Change the value of an attribute in an annotation. Let's say I have
>> @OneToMany (fetch = LAZY) and I want to change LAZY to EAGER. I know how to
>> get this value (ValuePair.getName() and ValuePair.getStringValue()) but I
>> don't know how to set a new value (I was expecting something like
>> ValuePair.setStringValue())
>> * Is there a way to only get the accessors ? At the moment
>> source.getMembers() returns the attributes + getters/setters,
>> source.getFields() only returns the attributes and source.getMethods()
>> returns all the methods. It would be nice to have sources.getAccessors()
>> and that will return only the accesors
>> * Indent code : the code I have in input is not well indented. I would
>> love to have a method like source.indent()
>> * Generate Getters/Setters/Hascode/Equals/toString : it would be great to
>> have a set of methods to do the trick. Something like
>> source.generateSetters, source.generateEquals
>> Let me know if I'm missing somethings here, if some are out of the scope
>> of Roaster and if some make sense and are missing I'll create a few JIRAs
>> Antonio
>> 2014-04-26 6:28 GMT+02:00 Antonio Goncalves <>:
>> I had created two JIRAs for that :
>>> (looks like this one is done)
>>> 2014-04-21 21:22 GMT+02:00 Lincoln Baxter, III <>
>>> :
>>> Hey Antonio,
>>>> I'm relatively certain that we don't support Generic types on method
>>>> parameters yet, but we do support them on Types and Methods themselves via
>>>> the GenericCapableSource interface.
>>>> Looks like we need to add this to Parameters. Could you add a feature
>>>> request for this? Thanks!
>>>> ~Lincoln
>>>> On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Antonio Goncalves <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Still playing with Roaster so I could fix
>>>>> (Command
>>>>> constraint-new-validator to create a new validator implementation). I don't
>>>>> know how to do two things (nicely) :
>>>>> # Parameterize interface
>>>>> For a constraint, I need to implement a parametrize interface like
>>>>> this :
>>>>> public class MaxValidatorForString implements ConstraintValidator<Max,
>>>>> Number> {
>>>>> The only way I could find is passing a String :
>>>>> final JavaClassSource javaClass = Roaster.create(JavaClassSource.
>>>>> class);
>>>>> javaClass.setName("MaxValidatorForString");
>>>>> javaClass.addImport(ConstraintValidator.class);
>>>>> javaClass.addInterface("ConstraintValidator<Max, Number>");
>>>>> It's a shame because with addInterface(Class), it does the import
>>>>> automatically and things are more typed. But I cannot add types :
>>>>> final JavaClassSource javaClass = Roaster.create(JavaClassSource.
>>>>> class);
>>>>> javaClass.setName("MaxValidatorForString");
>>>>> javaClass.addInterface(ConstraintValidator.class);
>>>>> It would be good to have something like :
>>>>> javaClass.addInterface(ConstraintValidator.class).
>>>>> addType(Max.class).addType(Number.class);
>>>>> # Typed parameters
>>>>> My isValid method takes two parameters. And the only way to add two
>>>>> parameters seems to be by a String
>>>>> javaClass.addMethod().setPublic().setName("isValid").setReturnType(
>>>>> "boolean").setParameters("Number value, ConstraintValidatorContext
>>>>> context").setBody("return false;").addAnnotation(Override.class);
>>>>> Again, it would be nice to have typed parameters so the import is
>>>>> implicit, and things are a bit more typed :
>>>>> javaClass.addMethod().setPublic().setName("isValid").setReturnType(
>>>>> "boolean").addParameter(Number.class,
>>>>> "value").addParameter(ConstraintValidatorContext.class, "context")
>>>>> .setBody("return false;").addAnnotation(Override.class);
>>>>> So I'm just wondering if I'm missing something or this is not
>>>>> implemented yet on Roaster
>>>>> --
>>>>> Antonio Goncalves
>>>>> Software architect and Java Champion
>>>>> Web site <> | Twitter<>
>>>>> | LinkedIn <> | Paris JUG<>
>>>>> | Devoxx France <>
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> forge-dev mailing list
>>>> --
>>>> Lincoln Baxter, III
>>>> "Simpler is better."
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> forge-dev mailing list
>>> --
>>> Antonio Goncalves
>>> Software architect and Java Champion
>>> Web site <> | Twitter<>
>>> | LinkedIn <> | Paris JUG<>
>>> | Devoxx France <>
>> --
>> Antonio Goncalves
>> Software architect and Java Champion
>> Web site <> | Twitter<>
>> | LinkedIn <> | Paris JUG<>
>> | Devoxx France <>
>> _______________________________________________
>> forge-dev mailing list
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
forge-dev mailing list
Antonio Goncalves
Software architect and Java Champion
Web site <> |
| LinkedIn <> | Paris
| Devoxx France <>