8 Replies Latest reply on May 29, 2014 1:12 PM by rareddy

    utilizing a Extension (mxd) file


      I have created and registered a extension model.

      However, when I look at the properties of a model and try to define the "Extension Package" I get an empty drop down... any known issues or suggestions?




      JBoss Developer Studio



      Version: 7.1.1.GA

      Build id: GA-v20140314-2145-B688

      Build date: 20140314-2145


        Teiid Designer8.3.1.Final-v20140122-1920-B21



      Thanks in advance!

        • 1. Re: utilizing a Extension (mxd) file

          Sorry, the extension package is deprecated.  Once you register your med, click on the model then Rt Click > Modeling > Manage Model Extension Defns - then add your extension to the model.  After that your extension properties should show up in the properties panel.

          • 2. Re: utilizing a Extension (mxd) file

            Thanks Mark... since posting my original question I figured out that extension package was deprecated.  However, after I "add to Model Extension Registry" I do not see anything like "manageModelExtensionDefns option when I RTClick>Modeling

            I've tried to post a picture showing such.. maybe I'm missing a step..

            thanks again!






            • 3. Re: utilizing a Extension (mxd) file

              For your MED definition - in the MED Editor, make sure you have the supported ModelTypes selected (physical model, view model, or both).  Both types are shown, but you have to select them.  Once you select the view model, save the mxd and re-register it in the registry.  Then the menu option should show up. 

              • 4. Re: utilizing a Extension (mxd) file

                that was it... they're both there and it wasn't obvious to select them..



                Now to get them to appear when publishing to Modeshape and see them there..


                Thanks again!

                • 5. Re: utilizing a Extension (mxd) file

                  Ok, the question I have for you since you said it was not obvious, "How would you have designed it?", I am not trying to criticize,  we want to gather input from users about usability of Designer.  If you take can few minutes to do mock screen that would be great. Your input is very valuable and appreciated.





                  • 6. Re: utilizing a Extension (mxd) file

                    Well Ramesh.. after going back and 'choosing' the options it became quite obvious that I "could' pick something and they weren't simply there by default.

                    Probably the more relevant issue is that I was able to register the file though I did NOT choose either so it seems to be a validation issue as well.




                    • 8. Re: utilizing a Extension (mxd) file

                      What I found always confusing is kind of actions I need to take after the initial wizard.


                      1) Why not have the wizard take me through creating a "extension" property and ultimately register it? And ask me if want to apply this MED on any of the existing models in my workspace at the end of it.

                      2) What is ultimate purpose of the registry? I can see this helpful to list the built-in extension models, but when I click on I can not even see the properties in that MED in the editor. I understand they are read-only, but I should be able to see them if want to to check out what properties are defined. It is really annoying not able to view the properties.

                      3) When I create a local .mxd (MED) file,  what is significance of registering it? It is not that this registry is external repository that, I can share with another developer. Is it? if yes, how? I did not find any export/import

                      4) Since it is local MED to my workspace, I should not be sharing with another model project in my workspace either.

                      4) The model creation/import wizard never asks that if I would like to apply a local MED or built-in MED at the end of the process, I have to explicitly do another step to that. I think this could another improvement.


                      Lot of it ma be my lack of understanding on this feature, you can set me straight, or if you want to start adding JIRA for above I can do that too.

