1 Reply Latest reply on May 29, 2014 12:02 PM by ctomc

    Changing JSESSIONID Cookie name?


      I have been looking all over and can't seem to get this resolved.  I'm running the latest version of Wildfly, and I'm trying to change the name of the JSESSIONID cookie name.  This used to be accomplished by supplying the "-Dorg.apache.catalina.JSESSIONID=MYSESSIONID" in the standalone.sh file.  This appears to have stopped working and I cannot figure out how to change it now.  Our application relies on this being something different than the default.


      Can anyone supply me with a way to change his value?


      Any help is appreciated!



        • 1. Re: Changing JSESSIONID Cookie name?

          Something along the lines:


          <servlet-container name="default" >


                    <session-cookie name="MYSESSIONCOOKIE" />


          in the undertow subsystem