6 Replies Latest reply on May 30, 2014 12:51 PM by virtualdatabase

    Modeling issue with Oracle and servicenames


      The jdbc url when connecting to oracle via a service name is different.

      For example:









      Note the slash instead of : before SID/Servicename


      There must be a bug on editing driver profiles as it will not remove the : before the SID no matter what.

      So I can get it to import either by a)doing a "Generic JdBC import" or b)choosing OTHER for the driver template:



      using this seems to work except that I now can create a datasource using it:





      Same error occurs if I just deploy the vdb.

      I've insured that the driver ojdbc6.jar is in the ../standalone/deployments directory


      Any thoughts?


      Thanks in advance!!

        • 1. Re: Modeling issue with Oracle and servicenames

          Can't seem to reproduce your "::" issue. Was able to create an Oracle 11 connection with odbc6.jar and odbc14.jar, import both sources and preview. (running on Linux/Ubuntu).


          What's your OS?

          • 2. Re: Modeling issue with Oracle and servicenames


            I'm running Win7

            • 3. Re: Modeling issue with Oracle and servicenames

              Recommend you use the Teiid Connection import option to deploy your jar AND set up your Data Source in this instance.  The "::" issue you are having is an Eclipse Data Tools connection profile problem.

              • 4. Re: Modeling issue with Oracle and servicenames

                Oracle JDBC driver is not installed on Teiid Server. There are different ways deploy jar, the simplest right now is you can use "JARList" tab above, and make sure you added the jar file there. Before you start importing from Oracle.

                • 5. Re: Modeling issue with Oracle and servicenames

                  Though i can finally get an imiport to work using the "other oracle" option.. when i preview OR deploy a vdb  i get errors:


                  11:54:04,570 WARN  [org.teiid.PROCESSOR] (Worker0_QueryProcessorQueue0) TEIID30020 Processing exception for request p6MTIszqcVjr.0 'TEIID30498 Capabilities for New_Oracle were not avaialable.  The command could not be planned properly.'. Originally QueryPlannerException PlanToProcessConverter.java:324. Enable more detailed logging to see the entire stacktrace.

                  11:58:32,726 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment ojdbc6.jar (runtime-name: ojdbc6.jar) in 105ms

                  11:58:32,733 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-6) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "ojdbc6.jar" (runtime-name: "ojdbc6.jar")

                  11:58:33,167 INFO  [org.jboss.as.connector.deployers.jdbc] (MSC service thread 1-8) JBAS010403: Deploying JDBC-compliant driver class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver (version 11.2)

                  11:58:33,349 INFO  [org.jboss.as.server] (management-handler-thread - 6) JBAS018565: Replaced deployment "ojdbc6.jar" with deployment "ojdbc6.jar"

                  12:01:35,678 INFO  [org.teiid.RUNTIME] (MSC service thread 1-2) TEIID50026 VDB "PREVIEW_0edfeea3-313f-4a76-b1bc-6db1380ba03d_test_project.1[]" undeployed.


                  So it looks like the Oracle...Other isn't recognized as oracle and thus gain the capabilities as such...


                  on a side note .. note the misspelling in the TEIID30498 error text..

                  • 6. Re: Modeling issue with Oracle and servicenames

                    Not sure what you mean by that...

                    Also when I proceed with the Oracle"Other" option then try to preview I get this thrown on the server:


                    11:23:18,288 WARN  [org.teiid.PROCESSOR] (Worker3_QueryProcessorQueue106) TEIID30020 Processing exception for request 1crXN2KwRXOx.0 'TEIID30498 Capabilities for Oracle11Other were not avaialable.  The command could not be planned properly.'. Originally QueryPlannerException PlanToProcessConverter.java:324. Enable more detailed logging to see the entire stacktrace.


                    seems that the "other" driver within the Oracle jdbc panel doesn't isn't completely defined ??