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1. Re: Searchabe based on which version of core?
manik Oct 20, 2008 8:49 AM (in response to wjm)It is based on 2.2.0.GA, and if you download the searchable cache zip file, it contains core 2.2.0.GA.
2. Re: Searchabe based on which version of core?
skaffman Jan 23, 2009 6:16 AM (in response to wjm)Does it work at all with 3.0.x? I have an existing 3.0.x application, does that mean I'd have to downgrade to 2.2.x to use SearchableCache?
3. Re: Searchabe based on which version of core?
manik Jan 23, 2009 6:24 AM (in response to wjm)JBCS 1.0.GA is based on JBoss Cache Core 3.0.1.GA. (see dependencies in the JBCS 1.0.GA pom.xml).
trunk on JBCS is currently using 3.0.2.GA, so either will work.