1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 5, 2014 8:19 AM by william.burns

    Is it possibile to guarantee a FIFO order of notifications with setting of @Listener(sync = false) ?



      I would like to know if is it possible to configure infinispan in order to guarantee a FIFO order of notifications with setting of @Listener(sync = false) ?

      In my application I have only one master node able to perform put/remove operations and all other nodes able to perform only get operations.

      I would like to have the same order of execution of put/remove operations for corresponding notification, even if I set sync = false in my Listener implementation.

      I mean, I would like to avoid a situation such as the one that follows:

                                     MASTER NODE           READ NODE

      TIMESTAMP T             put data1

      TIMESTAMP T+1                                          notify data1

      TIMESTAMP T+2         put data2

      TIMESTAMP T+3         put data3

      TIMESTAMP T+4                                           notify data3

      TIMESTAMP T+5                                           notify data2

