3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 10, 2014 6:31 AM by michpetrov

    richfaces 4 mediaOutput throwing PropertyNotFoundException




      I am using richfaces 4.3.6 Final along with JSF 2 and wildfly-8.1.0.CR1. In my application I am uploading image and showing that uploaded image into <rich:mediaOutput> but I am getting below exception while rendering <rich:mediaOutput> .Below is my xhtml and java code, please take a look at this and let me know If I am doing anything wrong.


      Any workaround or solution to fix it.


      Thanks in advance.




      <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"











          <h:form id="docupload" style="margin-left:5px; width: 100%;">

              <h:messages layout="horizontal" globalOnly="true" showDetail="false"

                  showSummary="true" />



                  <c:when test="#{featureConfig.OFLOWS_MOBILIZED_ENABLED().booleanValue() eq 'true' and themeResolver.canvasEnabled}">


                      <span id="submitButton"> <s:link styleClass="button" view="/oconsole/appuploadhelper.seam"



                                      <s:conversationPropagation type="join"></s:conversationPropagation>







                      <rich:fileUpload  fileUploadListener="#{fileUploadBean.listener}"

                          maxFilesQuantity="#{fileUploadBean.uploadsAvailable}" id="upload"






                          <a4j:ajax event="uploadcomplete" render="info" />






              <p>Once you've uploaded your documents, classify each one using

                  the categories below.</p>


              <rich:panel bodyClass="info" id="info">

                  <f:facet name="header">

                      <h:outputText value="Classify uploaded documents" />


                  <h:outputText value="No files currently uploaded"

                      rendered="#{fileUploadBean.size==0}" />

                  <s:div id="docuploadTable" style="border:none;">

                      <c:forEach items="#{fileUploadBean.files}" var="file"


                          <s:div id="docRow#{row.index}" styleClass="documentRow">

                              <s:div id="docImageCol#{row.index}"


                                  <a4j:mediaOutput id="docImage#{row.index}" element="img"

                                      mimeType="#{file.mime}" createContent="#{fileUploadBean.paint}"

                                      value="#{row.index}" style="max-width:200px;" cacheable="false">

                                      <f:param value="#{fileUploadBean.timeStamp}" name="time" />

                                      <s:conversationId value="#{conversation.id}" />



                              <s:div id="docCategoryCol#{row.index}"


                                  <h:selectOneMenu id="docCategory#{row.index}" name="docCategory" value="">

                                      <el:setValueBinding var="selectionmap"

                                          valueBinding="#{fileUploadBean.documentCategory}" />

                                      <s:selectItems var="selection"

                                          value="#{selectionmap.entrySet()}" label="#{selection.value}"

                                          itemValue="#{selection.key}" hideNoSelectionLabel="true" />




                          <br class="clearfloat" />

                          <br class="clearfloat" />





              <br />

              <span id="uploadSaveBtn"> <a4j:commandLink id="saveLink"



                      styleClass="button" render="docupload">

                      <s:conversationPropagation type="join"></s:conversationPropagation>








      package com.test.seam.action.oweb;


      import static org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.isEmpty;

      import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isEmpty;


      import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

      import java.io.BufferedInputStream;

      import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;

      import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;

      import java.io.IOException;

      import java.io.OutputStream;

      import java.io.Serializable;

      import java.util.ArrayList;

      import java.util.Collection;

      import java.util.Date;

      import java.util.HashMap;

      import java.util.Iterator;

      import java.util.List;

      import java.util.Map;


      import javax.el.ELContext;

      import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;

      import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;

      import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu;

      import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

      import javax.imageio.ImageIO;


      import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

      import org.jboss.seam.Component;

      import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.AutoCreate;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Begin;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Create;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Destroy;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.End;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Factory;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Synchronized;

      import org.jboss.seam.annotations.web.RequestParameter;

      import org.jboss.seam.contexts.Contexts;

      import org.jboss.seam.core.Conversation;

      import org.jboss.seam.log.Log;

      import org.jboss.seam.log.Logging;

      import org.jboss.seam.ui.component.html.HtmlDiv;

      import org.richfaces.event.FileUploadEvent;

      import org.richfaces.model.UploadedFile;


      import com.drew.imaging.ImageMetadataReader;

      import com.drew.metadata.Metadata;

      import com.drew.metadata.exif.ExifIFD0Directory;

      import com.drew.metadata.exif.ExifSubIFDDirectory;

      import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;

      import com.lowagie.text.Image;

      import com.lowagie.text.PageSize;

      import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;

      import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfCopyFields;

      import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfImportedPage;

      import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader;

      import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;

      import com.lowagie.text.pdf.RandomAccessFileOrArray;

      import com.lowagie.text.pdf.codec.TiffImage;

      import com.test.seam.entity.ApplicationRequest;

      import com.test.seam.entity.Customer;

      import com.test.seam.entity.Document;

      import com.test.seam.entity.DocumentImage;

      import com.test.seam.entity.InputField;

      import com.test.seam.entity.RawSupportingDocument;

      import com.test.seam.entity.SupportingDocument;

      import com.test.seam.entity.UserType;

      import com.test.seam.infrastructure.ELEvaluator;

      import com.test.seam.infrastructure.UserContext;

      import com.test.seam.session.oconsole.OConsoleDocUploadManagerBean;

      import com.test.seam.session.oconsole.ProductsInfo;

      import com.test.seam.session.oweb.DocUploadManager;

      import com.test.seam.session.oweb.DocUploadManagerBean;

      import com.test.seam.util.PDFToImageConvertor;

      import com.test.seam.web.util.PageScopeUtil;





      // TODO: change this to page scope and fix the interaction

      @Synchronized(timeout = 100000)


      public class DocUploadBean implements Serializable {


          private static final int MAX_FILE_SIZE_IN_DATABASE = 5 * 1014 * 1024;


          public static final String COMPONENT_NAME = "fileUploadBean";





          private static final long serialVersionUID = 5339410002696528789L;


          // http://itextdocs.lowagie.com/tutorial/general/index.php - See Step 1, and

          // description of margin width

          private static final float ONE_INCH = 72.0f;


          private String customerLevelUpload;


          public String getCustomerLevelUpload() {

              return customerLevelUpload;



          public void setCustomerLevelUpload(String customerLevelUpload) {

              this.customerLevelUpload = customerLevelUpload;



          private static final float MAX_CONTENT_WIDTH = PageSize.LETTER.getWidth() - ONE_INCH; // 1 inch margin

          private static final float MAX_CONTENT_HEIGHT = PageSize.LETTER.getHeight() - ONE_INCH; // 1 inch margin


          private boolean decisionTableEnabled;

          // @In (create=true) DocUploadManager docUploadManager;

          private static Log log = Logging.getLog(DocUploadBean.class);



          UserContext userContext;


          @In(required=false, create=false)

          ApplicationRequest appRequest;




          public void create(){

              log.debug("Creating DocUploadBean in conversation: " +Conversation.instance().getId() );




          public void remove(){

              log.debug("Destroying DocUploadBean in conversation: " +Conversation.instance().getId() );




          public static String className = DocUploadManagerBean.class.getName();


          // files holds atomic support docs.  each page in a multi page pdf is separated

          // into individual pdf doc that can be used as different supporting documents.

          // e.g. a multipage pdf has 1 page of passport img, 1 page of insurance id

          // This will get separated into 2 pdf docs and stored in files

          private ArrayList<DocumentAndCategory> files = new ArrayList<DocumentAndCategory>();


          // separate compound supporting documents into individual page of separate pdf docs

          // private List<DocumentAndCategory> atomicSupportingDocs;



          private int uploadsAvailable = 10;

          private boolean autoUpload = false;

          private boolean useFlash = false;

          //private SupportingDocumentCategory defaultCategory = SupportingDocumentCategory.BANK_STATEMENT;

          //private List<SupportingDocumentCategory> documentCategory;


          public int getSize() {

              if (getFiles().size() > 0) {

                  return getFiles().size();

              } else {

                  return 0;




          public DocUploadBean() {




          public void paint(OutputStream stream, Object object) throws IOException {


              log.debug("size: " + files.size());

              log.debug("index: " + object);

              stream.write(getFiles().get((Integer) object).getData());



          public void listener(FileUploadEvent event) throws Exception {

              log.debug(className +".listener() is called to convert and store uploaded files.");

              PageScopeUtil pageScopeUtil = PageScopeUtil.instance();

              pageScopeUtil.setErrMsg(null);//clear if previous request had errors, note cannot use event scope for the uploader as the upload is its own request

              UploadedFile item = event.getUploadedFile();

              //By default this flag variable will be false. When user is on validate decision table

              //tab in console page that time, this flag variable will be true means it will  invoke code

              //related to validating decision table which is in else section of this condition.



                  RawSupportingDocument rawDocument = createRawDocument(item);



                  if (!isEmpty(rawDocument.getDocumentImage().getContent())) {

                      log.info("Processing uploaded file '#0'", rawDocument.getDocumentImage().getFileName());


                          if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(item.getName(), ".pdf")) {

                              log.debug("process uploaded pdf file");

                              preparePdf(rawDocument.getDocumentImage().getFileName(), rawDocument.getDocumentImage().getContent());

                          } else if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(item.getName(), ".tif")

                                  || StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(item.getName(), ".tiff")) {

                              log.debug("process uploaded tiff file");

                              prepareTiff(item.getName(), rawDocument.getDocumentImage().getContent());

                          } else {

                              log.debug("process uploaded file (jpg,gif,png,pdf,bmp)");

                              prepareImage(item.getName(), rawDocument.getDocumentImage().getContent());


                      } catch(PDFSecurityException pse){

                          String errMsg = "Your PDF document has security settings that prevented us from processing it.";


                          log.error(errMsg, pse);


                      }catch(Throwable t){

                          String errMsg = "There is some problem with the uploaded file, we can't process it.";


                          log.error(t, t.getMessage());





              } else {





          private void prepareImage(String fileName, byte[] data) throws Exception {

              files.add(extractPageFromImage(data, fileName, null));



          private DocumentAndCategory extractPageFromImage(final byte[] data, final String fileName, String documentCategory) throws Exception {

              // pdf wrapper around the image

              DocumentAndCategory pdfDoc = new DocumentAndCategory();



              byte[] pdfBytes = convertOtherToPDFDoc(data);



              // the image



              return pdfDoc;



          private DocumentAndCategory extractPageFromImage(byte[] data, String fileName) throws Exception {

              return extractPageFromImage(data, fileName, null);



          private void prepareTiff(String fileName, byte[] data) throws Exception {

              final List<DocumentAndCategory> docs = extractPagesFromTiff(data, fileName, null);

              for (DocumentAndCategory doc: docs) {





          private List<DocumentAndCategory> extractPagesFromTiff(final byte[] data,

                  String fileName, String documentCategory) throws Exception {

              // convert each page in the tiff into a separate pdf

              // note each tiff image can have multiple pages

              List<byte[]> pdfByteList = convertTiffToPDFDocs(data);


              final List<DocumentAndCategory> docs = new ArrayList<DocUploadBean.DocumentAndCategory>();


              // store each pdf in this.files list, also include the thumb nails

              for (int c = 0; c < pdfByteList.size(); c++) {

                  DocumentAndCategory pdfDoc = new DocumentAndCategory();

                  // store the pdf for each page



                  byte[] pdfBytes = pdfByteList.get(c);



                  // store the thumb nail image

                  List<byte[]> imageBytesList = convertPDFToImagePages(pdfBytes, true);

                  byte[] imageBytes = imageBytesList.get(0);





              return docs;



          private Collection<DocumentAndCategory> extractPagesFromTiff(byte[] data, String fileName) throws Exception {

              return extractPagesFromTiff(data, fileName, null);



          private void preparePdf(String fileName, byte[] data) throws Exception {

              final List<DocumentAndCategory> docs = extractPagesFromPdf(data, fileName, null);

              for (DocumentAndCategory doc: docs) {





          private List<DocumentAndCategory> extractPagesFromPdf(final byte[] data, final String fileName, String documentCategory) throws Exception {

              // separate the pdf into separate pages, one page per doc

              List<byte[]> pdfByteList = separatePDFPages(data);


              // get the individual page image

              List<byte[]> imageBytesList = convertPDFToImagePages(data, true);


              final List<DocumentAndCategory> docs = new ArrayList<DocUploadBean.DocumentAndCategory>();


              // save each jpg image in the files object.  files object is later used to categorize each doc.

              for (int c = 0; c < imageBytesList.size(); c++) {

                  DocumentAndCategory pdfDoc = new DocumentAndCategory();

                  // store the pdf for each page



                  byte[] pdfBytes = pdfByteList.get(c);



                  // store the thumb nail image

                  byte[] imageBytes = imageBytesList.get(c);





              return docs;



          private List<DocumentAndCategory> extractPagesFromPdf(byte[] data, String fileName) throws Exception {

              return extractPagesFromPdf(data, fileName, null);



          private void saveRawDocument(RawSupportingDocument rsd) {

              log.info("Saving File Name: #0, Content Type: #1", rsd.getDocumentImage().getFileName(), rsd.getDocumentImage().getMimeType());

              String componentName = "";

              if (userContext.getNamespace().getUserType() == UserType.OFFICER)

                  componentName = OConsoleDocUploadManagerBean.COMPONENT_NAME;


                  componentName = DocUploadManagerBean.COMPONENT_NAME;

              DocUploadManager docUploadManager = (DocUploadManager) Component





          private RawSupportingDocument createRawDocument(UploadedFile item) throws IOException {

              DocumentImage d = new DocumentImage();

              // TODO: item.isTempFile() -- alternate in RF4?

      //        if (item.isTempFile()) {

      //            if (item.getFile().length() < MAX_FILE_SIZE_IN_DATABASE) {

      //                log.info("Loading file '#0' (#1K) into DB", item.getName(), item.getFile().length() / 1024);

      //                FileInputStream fileInput = null;

      //                try {

      //                    fileInput = new FileInputStream(item.getFile());

      //                    d.setContent(IOUtils.toByteArray(fileInput));

      //                } finally {

      //                    IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileInput);

      //                }

      //                try {

      //                    item.getFile().delete();

      //                } catch (Exception e) {

      //                    log.warn("Can't remove uploaded file '#0'", e, item.getFile().getAbsolutePath());

      //                }

      //            } else {

      //                log.info("Uploaded file '#0' is to big (#1K), leaving it in the file system", item.getName(), item.getFile().length() / 1024);

      //                d.setFilePath(item.getFile().getAbsolutePath());

      //            }

      //        } else {

                  log.info("Loading file '#0' (#1K) into DB", item.getName(), item.getData().length / 1024);


      //        }






              RawSupportingDocument rsd = new RawSupportingDocument();


              return rsd;




           * Use by console to save uploaded supporting docs


          public void saveSupportingDocuments() {

              try {




                          new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO,

                                  "Supporting Documents are uploaded", null));

              } catch (Exception e) {

                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block






           * responsible for saving uploaded document from docupload.xhtml in app

           * It will append the new supporting doc to the existing set in the database


           * @param componentName


          public void saveSupportingDocuments(String componentName) {

              saveSupportingDocuments(componentName, true);




           * This method is responsible for saving the changes made on already

           * uploaded supporting documents on Re-categorization of supporting

           * documents page.


           * It will not append.  Instead it will erase what is in db and than save



          public void saveRecategorizedSupportingDocuments() {

              saveSupportingDocuments(DocUploadManagerBean.COMPONENT_NAME, false);






           * helper function to save supporting documents.


           * @param componentName

           * @param isAppend



          public void saveSupportingDocuments(String componentName, boolean isAppend) {

              try {

                  UIComponent dependenciesComp = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().findComponent("docupload:docuploadTable");

                  HtmlDiv html = (HtmlDiv) dependenciesComp;

                  // setup categorizedDocMap which maps category to each file in this.files (contains jpg image)

                  Map<String, List<DocumentAndCategory>> categorizedDocMap = new HashMap<String, List<DocumentAndCategory>>();

                  for (int i = 0; i < html.getChildren().size(); i++) {

                      DocumentAndCategory file = files.get(i);


                      // process those not mark for delete

                      if (file.getMarkForDelete()==false) {

                          HtmlDiv innerDiv = (HtmlDiv) html.getChildren().get(i);

                          HtmlSelectOneMenu selectMenu = (HtmlSelectOneMenu) innerDiv.getChildren().get(1).getChildren().get(0);

                          if(selectMenu != null && selectMenu.getValue() != null){

                              String category = selectMenu.getValue().toString();

                              if (categorizedDocMap.get(category) != null) {

                                  List<DocumentAndCategory> documentList = categorizedDocMap.get(category);


                              } else {

                                  List<DocumentAndCategory> documentList = new ArrayList<DocumentAndCategory>();


                                  categorizedDocMap.put(category, documentList);



                              log.warn("Uploaded supporting document was not categorized.");





                  // convert categorizedDocMap to pdf documents.

                  List<SupportingDocument> supportingDocList = mergePdfDocByCategory(categorizedDocMap);


                  // save the pdf docs

                  DocUploadManager docUploadManager = (DocUploadManager) Component.getInstance(componentName);

                  docUploadManager.save(supportingDocList, isAppend);


                  // clean up; scan backward and remove those in the files that have been deleted

                  for (int count = files.size(); count>0; count--) {

                      if (files.get(count-1).getMarkForDelete()==true) {





              } catch (Exception e) {





          @Factory(value = "documentCategory")

          public Map<String, String> getDocumentCategory() {

              String componentName = "";

              if (userContext.getNamespace().getUserType() == UserType.OFFICER) componentName = OConsoleDocUploadManagerBean.COMPONENT_NAME;

              else componentName = DocUploadManagerBean.COMPONENT_NAME;

              DocUploadManager docUploadManager = (DocUploadManager)Component.getInstance(componentName);

              return docUploadManager.getSupportingDocumentCtgry();



          /*@Factory(value = "documentCategory")

          public List<SupportingDocumentCategory> getDocumentCategory() {

              SupportingDocumentCategory[] sdcArray = SupportingDocumentCategory


              List<SupportingDocumentCategory> sdcList = new ArrayList<SupportingDocumentCategory>();

              for (int i = 0; i < sdcArray.length; i++) {



              return sdcList;



          public SupportingDocumentCategory getDefaultCategory() {

              return defaultCategory;



          public void setDefaultCategory(SupportingDocumentCategory defaultCategory) {

              this.defaultCategory = defaultCategory;



          public void setDocumentCategory(

                  List<SupportingDocumentCategory> documentCategory) {

              this.documentCategory = documentCategory;



          public String clearUploadData() {



              return null;





           * convert a multipage tiff into multiple pdf docs


           * @param imageBytes

           * @return


          public List<byte[]> convertTiffToPDFDocs(byte[] imageBytes) {

              // each item in the list is a byte array of a pdf document.  the pdf document holds the one image in the multi-page tiff

              List<byte[]> pdfByteList = new ArrayList<byte[]>();


              RandomAccessFileOrArray ra = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(imageBytes);

              int pages = TiffImage.getNumberOfPages(ra);

              for(int i = 1; i <= pages; i++){

                  // construct the pdf doc

                  com.lowagie.text.Document document = new com.lowagie.text.Document();

                  ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

                  try {

                      PdfWriter w = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, byteArrayOutputStream);

                  } catch (DocumentException e) {

                      log.error("failed to create PdfWriter: #0", e);




                  // resize the tiff if necessary

                  Image tiff = TiffImage.getTiffImage(ra, i);

                  if (tiff == null)



                  // scale and rotate if the img is too big

                  if (tiff.getHeight() > MAX_CONTENT_HEIGHT || tiff.getWidth() > MAX_CONTENT_WIDTH) {

                      // if image length is shorter than width by more than an inch

                      if ((tiff.getHeight() + ONE_INCH) < tiff.getWidth()) {



                      tiff.scaleToFit(MAX_CONTENT_WIDTH, MAX_CONTENT_HEIGHT);



                  adjustRotation(imageBytes, tiff);


                  // add tiff to doc

                  try {


                  } catch (DocumentException e) {

                      log.error("failed to add tiff to pdf doc: #0", e);







              return pdfByteList;




           * convert jpg,gif,png,pdf,bmp to pdf

           * @param imageBytes

           * @return

           * @throws Exception


          public byte[] convertOtherToPDFDoc(byte[] imageBytes) throws Exception {

              com.lowagie.text.Document document = new com.lowagie.text.Document();

              ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

              PdfWriter w = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, byteArrayOutputStream);

              // w.setFullCompression();

              // w.setCompressionLevel(9);


              Image jpg = Image.getInstance(imageBytes);


              if (jpg == null)

                  return null;

              if (jpg.getHeight() > MAX_CONTENT_HEIGHT || jpg.getWidth() > MAX_CONTENT_WIDTH)

                  jpg.scaleToFit(MAX_CONTENT_WIDTH, MAX_CONTENT_HEIGHT);


              adjustRotation(imageBytes, jpg);



              return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();




           * Fixes the rotation of the image if the initial orientation was not normal.

           * Requires the image has EXIF meta data and is of supported formatts, JPEG, TIFF, or GIF


           * TODO - use apache Tika instead?


           * Drew Metadata-extractor image library is used

           *     http://code.google.com/p/metadata-extractor/wiki/GettingStarted

           * reference to orientation codes:

           *     http://jpegclub.org/exif_orientation.html


           * @param imageBytes - used by parse out the EXIF image meta data

           * @param iTextImg - used to rotate the image before embedding into a PDF


          private void adjustRotation(byte[] imageBytes, Image iTextImg){

              if(imageBytes == null)



              if(iTextImg == null)



              BufferedInputStream bis= null;

              try {

                  bis = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes));

                  boolean waitForBytes = false;

                  int exifOrientation = 1;//default to normal, which needs no rotation


                  Metadata metadata = ImageMetadataReader.readMetadata(bis, waitForBytes);



                      //list image's taken date

                      ExifSubIFDDirectory directory = metadata.getDirectory(ExifSubIFDDirectory.class);

                      if(directory != null && directory.containsTag(ExifSubIFDDirectory.TAG_DATETIME_ORIGINAL)){

                          Date date = directory.getDate(ExifSubIFDDirectory.TAG_DATETIME_ORIGINAL);

                          log.trace("Image taken on: " + date);




                  //find tag orientation

                  final ExifIFD0Directory exifIFD0Directory = metadata.getDirectory(ExifIFD0Directory.class);

                  if(exifIFD0Directory != null && exifIFD0Directory.containsTag(ExifIFD0Directory.TAG_ORIENTATION)){

                      exifOrientation = exifIFD0Directory.getInt(ExifIFD0Directory.TAG_ORIENTATION);

                      log.debug("Image EXIF orientation: " + exifOrientation);


                       log.debug("Image did not have EXIF orientation meta tag specified, not adjusting rotation");




                  //Note rotation will turn it to the left, counter clockwise


                      case 1:

                          log.debug("EXIF orientation of 1, no adjustment rotation required.");


                      case 2:

                          log.debug("EXIF orientation of 2, no adjustment rotation required.");

                          break;//flip/mirror, consider unflipping

                      case 3:

                          iTextImg.setRotationDegrees(180);//upside down

                          log.info("Adjusted uploaded image rotation by 180 degrees to compensate for EXIF orientation of 3, upside down.");


                      case 4:

                          iTextImg.setRotationDegrees(180);//upside down

                          log.info("Adjusted uploaded image rotation by 180 degrees to compensate for EXIF orientation of 4, upside down.");


                      case 5:

                          iTextImg.setRotationDegrees(-90);//right side is up

                          log.info("Adjusted uploaded image rotation by -90 degrees to compensate for EXIF orientation of 5, right side is up.");


                      case 6:

                          iTextImg.setRotationDegrees(-90);//left side is down

                          log.info("Adjusted uploaded image rotation by -90 degrees to compensate for EXIF orientation of 6, left side is down.");


                      case 7:

                          iTextImg.setRotationDegrees(90);//right side is down

                          log.info("Adjusted uploaded image rotation by 90 degrees to compensate for EXIF orientation of 7, right side is down.");


                      case 8:

                          iTextImg.setRotationDegrees(90);//left side is up

                          log.info("Adjusted uploaded image rotation by 90 degrees to compensate for EXIF orientation of 6, left side is up.");



              }catch(Exception e) {

                  String errMsg = "Problem attempting to identify and rotate image based on EXIF metadata, error=" + e.getMessage();

                  log.error(errMsg, e);


                  if(bis != null){

                      try {


                      } catch (Exception ie) {

                          log.error("Error closing buffered input stream for docupload bean meta data read, error=" + ie.getMessage(), ie);







           * merge a list of documents into a single pdf document


           * @param pages

           * @return

           * @throws DocumentException

           * @throws IOException


          public byte[] mergeDocList(List<DocumentAndCategory> pages) throws DocumentException, IOException {

              if (pages != null && pages.size() > 0) {


                  List<PdfReader> readers = new ArrayList<PdfReader>();

                  Iterator<DocumentAndCategory> iteratorPDFs = pages.iterator();


                  // Create readers for each pdfs in the docList.

                  while (iteratorPDFs.hasNext()) {

                      DocumentAndCategory doc = iteratorPDFs.next();

                      PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(doc.pdfData);




                  // create a pdf copy to hold the merged doc

                  ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

                  PdfCopyFields copy = new PdfCopyFields(baos);



                  // iterate every pdf reader and append to the pdf copy

                  Iterator<PdfReader> iter = readers.iterator();

                  while (iter.hasNext()) {

                      PdfReader pdfReader = iter.next();




                  return baos.toByteArray();


              return null;




           * each catagory can have multiple docs.  this function

           * converts all pdfs for each category into one category pdf.


           * @param categorizedDocMap

           * @return

           * @throws Exception


          public List<SupportingDocument> mergePdfDocByCategory(Map<String, List<DocumentAndCategory>> categorizedDocMap) throws Exception {

              List<SupportingDocument> pdfDocumentsList = new ArrayList<SupportingDocument>();

              // iterate every category

              Iterator<String> categoryIter = categorizedDocMap.keySet().iterator();

              while (categoryIter.hasNext()) {

                  String category = categoryIter.next();

                  List<DocumentAndCategory> documentList = categorizedDocMap.get(category);

                  SupportingDocument sDocument = createSupportingDoc(documentList, category);



              return pdfDocumentsList;



          private SupportingDocument createSupportingDoc(List<DocumentAndCategory> pages, String category) throws DocumentException, IOException {

              // merge all docs into 1 pdf

              byte pdfBytes[] = mergeDocList(pages);


              SupportingDocument sDocument = new SupportingDocument();

              DocumentImage docImage = new DocumentImage();


              docImage.setFileName(category + ".pdf");

              docImage.setDescription(category + " Documents");




              //sDocument.setDocumentCategory(appLookupManager.getApplicationLookupByName(EnumCtgry.DOCUMENT_CATEGORY, category));


              return sDocument;




           * Separate a multipage pdf into individual pages with 1 pdf document each


           * @param pdfBytes

           * @return


          public List<byte[]> separatePDFPages(byte[] pdfBytes) throws Exception {

              List<byte[]> results = new ArrayList<byte[]>();

              try {

                  PdfReader srcPdf = new PdfReader(pdfBytes);

                  boolean encryptedPDF = srcPdf.isEncrypted();


                      log.debug("PDF is encrypted");

                      //byte[] userPwd = srcPdf.computeUserPassword();

                      //srcPdf = new PdfReader(pdfBytes, userPwd);

                      //srcPdf = new PdfReader(pdfBytes, "test".getBytes());



                  int totalPages = srcPdf.getNumberOfPages();


                  // itext pdf start with page 1

                  for (int c=1; c<=totalPages; c++) {

                      // each page gets its own document

                      com.lowagie.text.Document document = new com.lowagie.text.Document();


                      // Create a writer for the outputstream for each page doc

                      ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

                      PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, outputStream);



                      PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); // Holds the PDF data

                      PdfImportedPage srcPage = null;



                      //writer.setEncryption(1, 2, 2, PdfWriter.STANDARD_ENCRYPTION_128);


                          srcPage = writer.getImportedPage(srcPdf, c);

                      }catch(Exception e){

                          if(e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("password") ||


                              throw new PDFSecurityException(e);


                              throw e;



                      cb.addTemplate(srcPage, 0, 0);







              } catch(PDFSecurityException pse){

                  throw pse;

              }catch (Exception e) {

                  log.error("separatePDFPages() failed to separate pdf document into individual pages.  " + e.getMessage());



              return results;




           * convert each page in the pdf to jpg images


           * @param pdfBytes

           * @param allPages

           * @return

           * @throws Exception


          public List<byte[]> convertPDFToImagePages(byte[] pdfBytes, boolean allPages)

                  throws Exception {

              List<byte[]> bytesList = new ArrayList<byte[]>();

              PDFToImageConvertor pdfToImage = (PDFToImageConvertor) Component.getInstance(PDFToImageConvertor.class);

              List<BufferedImage> bufferedImageList = pdfToImage.convertPDFToImage(pdfBytes, true, false);

              for (int i = 0; i < bufferedImageList.size(); i++) {

                  BufferedImage bufferedImage = bufferedImageList.get(i);

                  ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

                  ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "jpg", baos);

                  byte[] imageBytes = baos.toByteArray();



              return bytesList;





           * Call by docupload.page.xml (docupload.xhtml) to load supporting_document from database.

           * @throws Exception


          // @Create

          public void loadFaxedDocuments() throws Exception {

              log.debug(" getFaxedDocuments() of " + className + " is called to retrieve faxed documents.");


              // load the pdf doc, one per category, from database

              DocUploadManager docUploadManager = (DocUploadManager) Component.getInstance(DocUploadManagerBean.class);




           *  This method will be called from UI while entering into the validation decision table Tab.( productslist.xhtml)

           *  It will enable decisionTableEnabled instance variable so that listner method which is common for all other file uploads

           *  will execute code specific to validate decision table.


          public void enableDecisionTableConfig(){

              log.info("Entered into enableDecisionTableConfig");

              decisionTableEnabled = true;



           * This method is responsible for validating the uploaded xls file. It will be called from listener method

           * if decisionTableEnabled instance variable is true. Internally this method invokes ProductInfo.validateDecisionTable()

           * which has the actual logic of validating decision table and will return the msg accordingly.

           * @param item  item contains actual uploaded file data and metadata.


          public void validateDecisionTable(UploadedFile item){

              log.info("Entered into validateDecisionTable, Validating decision table : "+item.getName());

              ProductsInfo productInfo = (ProductsInfo) Component.getInstance("productsInfo");

              PageScopeUtil pageScopeUtil = PageScopeUtil.instance();

              String errMsg = productInfo.validateDecisionTable(item.getData());




           * This method is responsible for loading the existing supporting

           * documents from db on recategorizedocs.xhtml


           * @param componentName

           * @throws Exception



          public void loadSupportingDocumets(String componentName) throws Exception {

              log.info("Load Supporting Documents called for component:" + componentName);

              DocUploadManager docUploadManager = (DocUploadManager) Component.getInstance(componentName);


              // get supporting docs from database






           * This helper function does the following

           * 1.  break each page in each supporting doc into separate pdf doc

           * 2.  create separate images (one per page) for each pdf doc for use as thumb nail


           * All these in formation is stored in this.files list

           * @param supportingDocList

           * @throws Exception


          void loadSupportingDocuments(List<SupportingDocument> supportingDocList) throws Exception {


              // iterate through each supporting doc and create an image for every page in the doc

              if (supportingDocList != null) {

                  for (SupportingDocument sd : supportingDocList) {

                      // separate the pdf into individual pages.  each page is a pdf doc

                      List<byte[]> pdfByteList = separatePDFPages(sd.getDocumentImage().getContent());


                      // get image for each page in the pdf

                      List<byte[]> imageBytesList = convertPDFToImagePages(sd.getDocumentImage().getContent(), true);


                      // add every page to this.files list

                      for (int i = 0; i < imageBytesList.size(); i++) {

                          byte[] pdfBytes = pdfByteList.get(i);

                          byte[] imageBytes = imageBytesList.get(i);


                          DocumentAndCategory pdfDoc = new DocumentAndCategory();


                          if (sd.getDocumentCategory() != null) pdfDoc.setDocumentCategory(sd.getDocumentCategory());












           * This method is responsible for removing a supporting

           * documents from this.files.  Change is not saved until user click update button


           * @param docId

           * @throws Exception


          public void removeSupportingDocument(int index) throws Exception {




          public long getTimeStamp() {

              return System.currentTimeMillis();



          public ArrayList<DocumentAndCategory> getFiles() {

              return files;



          public void setFiles(ArrayList<DocumentAndCategory> files) {

              this.files = files;




           * use by recategorizeddocs.xhtml


           * @return


          public List<DocumentAndCategory> getSupportingDocs() {

              return files;



          public int getUploadsAvailable() {

              return uploadsAvailable;



          public void setUploadsAvailable(int uploadsAvailable) {

              this.uploadsAvailable = uploadsAvailable;



          public boolean getAutoUpload() {

              return autoUpload;



          public void setAutoUpload(boolean autoUpload) {

              this.autoUpload = autoUpload;



          public boolean getUseFlash() {

              return useFlash;



          public void setUseFlash(boolean useFlash) {

              this.useFlash = useFlash;




          public static class DocumentAndCategory extends Document {


              private byte[] pdfData = null;

              private boolean markForDelete = false;


              /*        private SupportingDocumentCategory documentCategory;


              public SupportingDocumentCategory getDocumentCategory() {

                  return documentCategory;



              public void setDocumentCategory(SupportingDocumentCategory documentCategory) {

                  this.documentCategory = documentCategory;



              private String documentCategory;


              public DocumentAndCategory(SupportingDocument document) {






              public DocumentAndCategory() {



              public String getDocumentCategory(){

                  return documentCategory;



              public void setDocumentCategory(String documentCategoryParam) {

                  this.documentCategory = documentCategoryParam;



              public void setPdfByte(byte[] pdf) {

                  this.pdfData = pdf;



              public void setMarkForDelete(boolean b) {

                  markForDelete = b;



              public boolean getMarkForDelete() {

                  return markForDelete;





          public Boolean checkDocumentsSignedByCoapplicant() {

              DocUploadManager docUploadManager = (DocUploadManager) Component.getInstance(DocUploadManagerBean.COMPONENT_NAME);

              return docUploadManager.checkDocumentsSignedByCoapplicant();



          @RequestParameter private String appReqId;


          public String getAppReqId() {

              return appReqId;



          public void setAppReqId(String appReqId) {

              this.appReqId = appReqId;



          public void propagateAppRequest(){

              if(appReqId != null){

                  //This upload operation is being associated with an application/appRequest

                  //put the id into session so other things can use it if needed

                  //ie for page navigation after upload (check on co-applicant or not)

                  Contexts.getSessionContext().set("appReqId", new Long(appReqId));



              //to support primary to upload his own document from home this action is required

              //because of joint workflow streamline changes

              if(customerLevelUpload != null && customerLevelUpload.equals("1")){

                  Long appReqId = (Long) Contexts.getSessionContext().get("appReqId");

                  if(appReqId != null){

                      Contexts.getSessionContext().set("isPrimaryContinuingAsJoint"+appReqId, false);







          public static class PDFSecurityException extends Exception{

              public PDFSecurityException(){




              public PDFSecurityException(Exception e){




              public PDFSecurityException(Throwable t){




              public PDFSecurityException(String msg, Exception e){

                  super(msg, e);




          public void driversLicenseUploadListener(FileUploadEvent event) throws Exception {

              if (event.getComponent().getValueExpression("inputField") == null) {

                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find attribute: inputField");


              final InputField inputField = (InputField)event.getComponent()




              final Customer customer = (Customer)ELEvaluator.eval(inputField.getField().getEntity().getEffectivePath());







          public void documentUploadListener(FileUploadEvent event) throws Exception {

              PageScopeUtil pageScopeUtil = PageScopeUtil.instance();

              pageScopeUtil.setErrMsg(null);//clear if previous request had errors, note cannot use event scope for the uploader as the upload is its own request


              if (event.getComponent().getValueExpression("inputField") == null) {

                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find attribute: inputField");


              ELContext elContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext();

              final InputField inputField = (InputField)event.getComponent()




              final Customer customer = (Customer)ELEvaluator.eval(inputField.getField().getEntity().getEffectivePath());


              final UploadedFile UploadedFile = event.getUploadedFile();

              final String documentCategory = inputField.getDocumentCategory();


              if (isEmpty(documentCategory)) {

                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("documentCategory is null, check field configuration: " +

                          inputField.getFieldGroup().getPage().getInputPageType() + ":" +

                          inputField.getFieldGroup().getName() + ":" +




              final RawSupportingDocument rawDocument = createRawDocument(UploadedFile);






              // re-create document from raw documents (including new raw)

              if (!isEmpty(rawDocument.getDocumentImage().getContent())) {

                  log.info("Processing file '#0' (#1K)",

                          rawDocument.getDocumentImage().getFileName(), rawDocument.getDocumentImage().getContent().length / 1024);


                  final List<RawSupportingDocument> rawDocuments = customer.getRawDocumentsByCategory(documentCategory);

                  final List<DocumentAndCategory> pages = extractPages(rawDocuments);

                  final SupportingDocument document = createSupportingDoc(pages, documentCategory);







          private List<DocumentAndCategory> extractPages(List<RawSupportingDocument> rawDocuments) throws Exception {

              List<DocumentAndCategory> docPages = new ArrayList<DocUploadBean.DocumentAndCategory>();

              for (final RawSupportingDocument raw: rawDocuments) {

                  final DocumentImage docImage = raw.getDocumentImage();

                  if (docImage.isPdf()) {

                      docPages.addAll(extractPagesFromPdf(docImage.getContent(), docImage.getFileName()));

                  } else if (docImage.isTiff()) {

                      docPages.addAll(extractPagesFromTiff(docImage.getContent(), docImage.getFileName()));

                  } else {

                      docPages.add(extractPageFromImage(docImage.getContent(), docImage.getFileName()));



              return docPages;





