0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 7, 2014 11:58 AM by rapoo

    ClassNotFoundException when many Aspectj Advices are applied to one class within woven jar.


      Hi All,


      I am using JBoss AS 7.1 with AspectJ 1.8.0. The application is EAR file and within, all the jar files are under ear/lib folder and there is no jar file within war/lib/.


      It is a maven 3 based project where I apply aspectj during build time weaving. Aspectjrt has been included as part of dependency.


      Problem comes whenever I applied more aspectj advices, where within the applied .jar file has about 30 .ajc$/advices for one class based on the pointcuts defined during build time weaving.


      When it's the case, Jboss Classloader always fails by throwing NoClassDefFoundError.


      Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.my.class.* from [Module "deployment.myear.ear:main" from Service Module Loader]


           at org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader.findClass(ModuleClassLoader.java:190) ...






      However if I apply less advices to one particular class, there is no issue at all.


      I also verify the problematic jar via command line with the woven jar files without issue. It seems to happen only when running within JBoss.


      Is this a known issue/bug with JBoss AS 7.1 or is there configuration required for my use case ?


      Any help for this is appreciated.


      Thanks & Regards,

