1. Re: wildfly8 jaas authentication issues: IdentityManager.verify(Account), CallerPrincipal
jaikiran Jun 13, 2014 12:50 AM (in response to work_registries)1 of 1 people found this helpfulJuergen H wrote:
So I'm trying to migrate a webapp from jboss-4.2.3.GA to wildlfy-8.1.CR1, and I got issues with Authentication
I just found that JAASIdentityManagerImpl is created hardcoded in
private org.wildfly.extension.undertow.deployment.UndertowDeploymentInfoService.handleIdentityManager(DeploymentInfo):
deploymentInfo.setIdentityManager(new JAASIdentityManagerImpl(sdc));
So no easy way to replace this crappy verify(Account) behaviour
Have to think about a new workaround...
I haven't fully read or understood the question/problem. But have you given 8.1.0.Final a try? It has been released more than a week back.
2. Re: Re: wildfly8 jaas authentication issues: IdentityManager.verify(Account), CallerPrincipal
work_registries Jun 16, 2014 11:29 AM (in response to jaikiran)Thanks for your info about 8.1.0.Final release. I upgraded.
My problem still exists though. I'll try to make it more clear:
I use a JAAS login configuration in my webapp, declared in standalone.xml. Wildfly plugs a JAASIdentityManagerImpl into my application.
Now my issues:
public Account verify(Account account) in JAASIdentityManagerImpl
will reauthenticate the account (invoking the defined login modules, including a ldap bind in my case)
now verify will be called for every request.
This in itself is a huge performance issue I think.
btw. org.jboss.as.domain.http.server.security.RealmIdentityManager simple does
public Account verify(Account account) { return account; }
to enable verify / reauthenticate, org.wildfly.extension.undertow.security.AccountImpl stores the credentials in cleartext during its lifetime.
This seems like a security security issue to me, especially if the Account is persisted as part of the sesssion, if sessions are not only stored in-memory
JBoss Authentication allows to define a "CallerPrincipal" role group. If it exists, the first member of this group will replace the original username as the subjects identity
So "John" logging in with password "mypass" with a Role Group "CallerPrincipal" containing Principal "Mary" will result in the authenticated Account principal "Mary" with credentials "mypass"
I use this CallerPrincipal mapping to map from ldap username "John" to application username "Mary". That "Mary" was "John" is I think lost in the session stored Account.
Now here is where JAASIdentityManagerImpl.verify() not only becomes a performance issue, but is buggy: It does not take CallerPrincipal mapping into account.
Basically - in my example - on the very next request after login of "John", CachedAuthenticatedSessionMechanism calles JAASIdentityManagerImpl.verify() with Account "Mary" / "mypass"
verify invokes jaas login modules with "Mary" / "mypass" and login fails ("Mary" is not known, "John" was) and the authenticated session is invalidated.
injection of org.wildfly.extension.undertow.security.JAASIdentityManagerImpl is hardcoded, I can't easily replace it a custom IdentityManager that does not reauthenticate on verify.
private void org.wildfly.extension.undertow.deployment.UndertowDeploymentInfoService.handleIdentityManager(final DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo) {
deploymentInfo.setIdentityManager(new JAASIdentityManagerImpl(sdc));
But after a bit of thinking, I made a workaround for this issues. I created a ServletExtension as documented in http://undertow.io/documentation/servlet/using-non-blocking-handlers-with-servlet.html
It takes the JAAS-IDM from deploymentInfo and wraps a delegate around that simply returns account in case of verify:
package wildfly.workaround; import io.undertow.security.idm.Account; import io.undertow.security.idm.Credential; import io.undertow.security.idm.IdentityManager; import io.undertow.servlet.api.DeploymentInfo; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; public class NonVerifyingIdentityManagerExtension implements io.undertow.servlet.ServletExtension { public static class NonVerifyingIdentityManagerDelegate implements IdentityManager { protected IdentityManager delegate; public NonVerifyingIdentityManagerDelegate(IdentityManager delegate) { super(); this.delegate = delegate; } public Account verify(Account account) { return account; } public Account verify(String id, Credential credential) { return delegate.verify(id, credential); } public Account verify(Credential credential) { return delegate.verify(credential); } } public NonVerifyingIdentityManagerExtension() { } public void handleDeployment(DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo, ServletContext servletContext) { IdentityManager idm = deploymentInfo.getIdentityManager(); idm = createNonIdentityManagerDelegate(idm); deploymentInfo.setIdentityManager(idm); } public IdentityManager createNonIdentityManagerDelegate(IdentityManager delegate) { return new NonVerifyingIdentityManagerDelegate(delegate); } }