1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 13, 2014 5:24 PM by ctomc

    Adding mail-session sets "reload-required", why?


      After installing and starting a virgin WildFly instance (8.x or 9.0.0-SNAPSHOT) first step is to create the Mail configuration via jboss-cli.

      $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh --controller=localhost:$JNP_INVOKER_PORT --connect --user=... --password=...
      [standalone@localhost:9990 /]
      {"outcome" => "success"}
      [standalone@localhost:9990 /]
      {"outcome" => "success"}
      [standalone@localhost:9990 /]
      {"outcome" => "success"}
      [standalone@localhost:9990 /]
            "outcome" => "success",
            "response-headers" => {
                "operation-requires-reload" => true,
                "process-state" => "reload-required"
      [standalone@localhost:9990 /]

      Why does the "reload-required" be set?

      From what I found out, the reload seems not really to be needed.

      I can directly deploy my app and use java:/Mail without any problems.

      As far as I know it was not the case for JBoss AS 7.2.

        • 1. Re: Adding mail-session sets "reload-required", why?

          That sounds odd.


          I was working on making all attributes / resources run time modifiable so reload-required should not really happen.

          Which was not there before WildFly 8 alpha3(i think)


          There was some reload-required stuff around adding socketbindings. so your output looks extra odd.


          Can you create jira issue for this and i will take a look.

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