1. Re: How @WebServiceRef injection works with multiple @WebEndpoint
asoldano Jun 4, 2014 12:28 PM (in response to grossetieg)Hi Guillaume,
generally speaking, the resolution might be simply not deterministic if you do not specify the require port QName in the web service ref metadata. The ws stack has no way to know which wsdl port you actually need and hence picks the first obtained method returned when introspecting the service class through reflection.
You could specify a port-component-ref block in your jboss-web.xml and set the port qname in there... but unfortunately there's a bug preventing that to work; I've just filled in the jira and committed a fix upstream: [JBWS-3798] @WebEndpoint name not considered when building up webservicerefs - JBoss Issue Tracker . There's also a testcase addition you might want to have a look to see how to see how to set the port-component-ref.
The simplest solution / workaround for you now is to avoid having those two methods at the same time in the service class.
Thanks for having reported the issue, I appreciate that!
2. Re: How @WebServiceRef injection works with multiple @WebEndpoint
grossetieg Jun 17, 2014 4:39 AM (in response to asoldano)Hi Alessio,
Thanks for your detailed reply.
We removed the duplicate declaration and it's all good now