i'm using jboss AS 7 to develop a jee application.
i have a folder "ressources" under the web project.
i need to upload files into the "ressources" folder wich i do successfully.
But then i need to access those files.
the problem is that i can't access the files until i clean the project (my IDE is eclipse, i do project->clean).
it makes sense because the project needs to refresh so it detects the new files.
so i need a java code that does the same thing: cleanning/refreshing the project so that it "sees" the new files.
otherwise, i thought about uploading the files into my jboss server (under standalone/data) but then i couldn't figure out the url to access those files.
actually i'm working with primefaces and to visualise the files i use the UIcomponent <p:media>.
and that compnent can only "see" a file under the "ressources" folder or a file referenced by un URL http://www.localhost....something
does any body has an idea?
thank you