1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 23, 2014 10:06 PM by mazz

    rhq:input-property of type = file|directory




      How do I use the rhq:input-property of type = file|directory as noted in the docs?


      Ant Bundles - RHQ - Project Documentation Editor


      I need to pass a number of properties to configure the deployment and I used the longString to pass in the contents of a properties file. But this is limited to 2000 characters and it can sometimes exceed it.


      Any help/clarification on usage of the rhq:input-property of type file|directory welcomed.

      Thanks in advance,


        • 1. Re: rhq:input-property of type = file|directory

          The "file" or "directory" doesn't mean you are giving it a file of properties. That just means you are giving it a "file" name or a "directory" path as the property's value (as opposed to, say, an integer or a string). There is no way to pass in input properties to a single property via a .properties file. The "input property" element of the ANT recipe is a way that you specify a parameter whose value is to be obtained from the user - the user will provide the value in the GUI via the bundle deploy wizard (that's what its purpose was designed for anyway).