2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 25, 2014 8:57 PM by tmcclure0501

    Task Inbox notification in EMail


      I have the user's email in our database and I would like to send an email out to a user's email indicating they have a task in their inbox - I do not want to have to put an email task in before every user task.  Is there a hook I can use to send out this email.



        • 1. Re: Task Inbox notification in EMail

          you could use task deadline to fire of when task is created (use not started event type) and in notification you refer to user/group id (can use process variables as well) so it will dynamically look up for actual value. Then you'll need to use UserInfo implementation that can read values from db as the default one relies on property file. You can create the property file from db as well as sort of workaround instead of implementing UserInfo interface. Though it has drawback in case of frequent changes to that data.



          • 2. Re: Task Inbox notification in EMail
