3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 2, 2014 10:38 AM by aslak

    Anyone using Tomcat Managed containers with Windows?


      The reason I ask is that these components appear to be passing "/" path separators to the new process that is created to run Tomcat, and I don't think that will work under Windows.


      (Un)fortunately I don't have access to a Windows machine to test my hypothesis.

        • 1. Re: Anyone using Tomcat Managed containers with Windows?

          Windows support both / and \. Even mixed; c:\\drive/path\x.bat resolves fine in Windows.

          *nix only supports /.


          In case some other OS only support £, Path.separator should be used.

          • 2. Re: Anyone using Tomcat Managed containers with Windows?

            I know that java on Windows supports both / and \.


            But what about when you leave the java space?


            I'm asking because an active project of mine at work is using Arquillian Tomcat Managed containers and it runs fine on various unixes.


            However, a colleague tried to run it on his PC and it did not work. Unfortunately it was at the end of the day so I haven't been able to troubleshoot it.


            It seems that the tomcat-users.xml file was not picked up.


            And I assume you mean file.separator rather than path.separator.

            • 3. Re: Anyone using Tomcat Managed containers with Windows?

              My experience is both work on Windows, regardless of Java or not.


              But the correct thing to use is the provided System.property or File.separator.