2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 4, 2014 5:27 AM by danielcunha

    [forge-dev] [Roaster] Type<?> instanceof


      Hi folks,


      I want do that:


      type instanceof Number.


      That case, my type can be AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, BigDecimal,

      BigInteger, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long and Short




      public static Type<?> getIdType(JavaClass<?> entity)


            for (Member<?> member : entity.getMembers())


               if (member.hasAnnotation(Id.class))


                  if (member instanceof Method)


                     return ((Method<?, ?>) member).getReturnType();


                  if (member instanceof Field)


                     return ((Field<?>) member).getType();




            return null;



          public static boolean isNumberIdType(JavaClass<?> entity)


            return getIdType(entity) instanceof Number;



      I see the code and I don’t see a simple form to do it.

      How I do that with Roaster Type<?>?


      I thought to do that in Types (roaster util):


         public static boolean isNumber(final String type)


            if (isBasicType(type))


               if (isPrimitive(type))


                  return Arrays.asList("int", "long", "float", "double",



               return Arrays.asList("Boolean", "Byte", "Double", "Float",

      "Integer", "Long", "Short").contains(



            return false;



      But, it isn’t good.


      Daniel Cunha (soro) <http://www.cejug.net>

      Blog: http://www.danielsoro.com.br

      Twitter: https://twitter.com/dvlc_

      GitHub: https://github.com/danielsoro

      LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/danielvlcunha


        • 1. Re: [forge-dev] [Roaster] Type<?> instanceof

          Hi Daniel,


          You could try to load the class using: Class.forName and then attempt to check if the class isAssignableFrom(Number.class)


          This will not work if the class does not belong to the current classloader, but I am not sure if you're going to run into this issue specifically.


          Em 03/07/2014, às 21:46, Daniel Cunha <danielsoro@gmail.com> escreveu:


          Hi folks,


          I want do that:


          type instanceof Number.

          That case, my type can be AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long and Short




          public static Type<?> getIdType(JavaClass<?> entity)


                for (Member<?> member : entity.getMembers())


                   if (member.hasAnnotation(Id.class))


                      if (member instanceof Method)


                         return ((Method<?, ?>) member).getReturnType();


                      if (member instanceof Field)


                         return ((Field<?>) member).getType();




                return null;


              public static boolean isNumberIdType(JavaClass<?> entity)


                return getIdType(entity) instanceof Number;


          I see the code and I don’t see a simple form to do it.

          How I do that with Roaster Type<?>?


          I thought to do that in Types (roaster util):


             public static boolean isNumber(final String type)


                if (isBasicType(type))


                   if (isPrimitive(type))


                      return Arrays.asList("int", "long", "float", "double", "short").contains(type);


                   return Arrays.asList("Boolean", "Byte", "Double", "Float", "Integer", "Long", "Short").contains(



                return false;


          But, it isn’t good.



          Daniel Cunha (soro) <http://www.cejug.net>

          Blog: http://www.danielsoro.com.br

          Twitter: https://twitter.com/dvlc_

          GitHub: https://github.com/danielsoro

          LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/danielvlcunha


          forge-dev mailing list




          • 2. Re: [forge-dev] [Roaster] Type<?> instanceof



            Ok. Thank you very much George.



            On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 12:06 AM, George Gastaldi <ggastald@redhat.com>



            Hi Daniel,


            You could try to load the class using: Class.forName and then attempt to

            check if the class isAssignableFrom(Number.class)


            This will not work if the class does not belong to the current

            classloader, but I am not sure if you're going to run into this issue



            Em 03/07/2014, às 21:46, Daniel Cunha <danielsoro@gmail.com> escreveu:


            Hi folks,


            I want do that:


            type instanceof Number.


            That case, my type can be AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, BigDecimal,

            BigInteger, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long and Short




            public static Type<?> getIdType(JavaClass<?> entity)


                  for (Member<?> member : entity.getMembers())


                     if (member.hasAnnotation(Id.class))


                        if (member instanceof Method)


                           return ((Method<?, ?>) member).getReturnType();


                        if (member instanceof Field)


                           return ((Field<?>) member).getType();




                  return null;



                public static boolean isNumberIdType(JavaClass<?> entity)


                  return getIdType(entity) instanceof Number;



            I see the code and I don’t see a simple form to do it.

            How I do that with Roaster Type<?>?


            I thought to do that in Types (roaster util):


               public static boolean isNumber(final String type)


                  if (isBasicType(type))


                     if (isPrimitive(type))


                        return Arrays.asList("int", "long", "float", "double", "short").contains(type);


                     return Arrays.asList("Boolean", "Byte", "Double", "Float", "Integer", "Long", "Short").contains(



                  return false;



            But, it isn’t good.


            Daniel Cunha (soro) <http://www.cejug.net>

            Blog: http://www.danielsoro.com.br

            Twitter: https://twitter.com/dvlc_

            GitHub: https://github.com/danielsoro

            LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/danielvlcunha



            forge-dev mailing list






            forge-dev mailing list








            Daniel Cunha (soro) <http://www.cejug.net>

            Blog: http://www.danielsoro.com.br

            Twitter: https://twitter.com/dvlc_

            GitHub: https://github.com/danielsoro

            LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/danielvlcunha