7 Replies Latest reply on Jul 10, 2014 7:23 PM by pramod_bs

    VDB not working in Linux --> Failed to find the Connection Factory with JNDI name


      I have a VDB which was created in WIndows developer workstation. When I deploy this VDB into a Linux server and try to access the data  I am getting the error below:

      error: teiid30504 remote org.teiid.code.TeiidProcessingException; teiid30504 SourceModel_1: teiid30481 Failed to find the Connection Factory with JNDI name SourceModel_1. Please check the name or deploy the Conncetion Factory with specified name

      SQLState 50000

      ErrorCode: 30504


      I think there is MESSAGE when I deploy too: Screenshot attached:


      PLEASE HELP. @@@@


        • 1. Re: VDB not working in Linux --> Failed to find the Connection Factory with JNDI name

          The first exception is from a user query that is referencing a table/procedure "VDB2", which does not exist.   The next exception is saying that you have the jndi connection name set to SourceModel_1 in the vdb xml, but no such jndi entry exists.  What data source did you create for this vdb?

          • 2. Re: VDB not working in Linux --> Failed to find the Connection Factory with JNDI name

            VDB2 when I deploy in the local server it is working. I just grabbed the same VDB2.vdb file and used JBoss Admin tool to deploy it in a Linux server. Is there anything else needed along with the VDB file while deploying. When I deploy it is Linux server adn access it with SQuirrel I get the error. The deploy status also shows error.


            The datasource is RETful Web Services - XML data. Again it works locally. I have deployed the RESTful datasource (war file) also in the Linux server. and able to see the XML data.

            • 3. Re: VDB not working in Linux --> Failed to find the Connection Factory with JNDI name

              > VDB2 when I deploy in the local server it is working.


              That implies you have a data source locally called "SourceModel_1".  You need to have a similar data source on the linux server.  If you are using Teiid Designer perhaps it created the data source for you.

              • 4. Re: VDB not working in Linux --> Failed to find the Connection Factory with JNDI name

                Will the SourceModel_1 NOT part of the VDB. I thought when I create the VDB in the Teiid Designer it will be bundled in the .vdb file. If not how do I make it part of the VDB.

                • 5. Re: VDB not working in Linux --> Failed to find the Connection Factory with JNDI name

                  Here is the vdb.xml file contents. Also I am able to see SourceModel_1.xmi:



                  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

                  <vdb name="VDB2" version="1">

                      <property name="preview" value="false"/>

                      <property name="validationDateTime" value="Thu Jul 10 14:36:04 EDT 2014"/>

                      <property name="validationVersion" value="8.4.1-redhat-7"/>

                      <model name="ViewModel_1" type="VIRTUAL" visible="true" path="/dms4/views/ViewModel_1.xmi">

                          <property name="checksum" value="314865965"/>

                          <property name="indexName" value="1952429479.INDEX"/>

                          <property name="modelUuid" value="mmuuid:416048ee-a1e7-43c5-a039-c8b30de41251"/>

                          <property name="modelClass" value="Relational"/>

                          <property name="builtIn" value="false"/>

                          <property name="imports" value="/dms4/sources/SourceModel_1.xmi"/>

                          <validation-error severity="WARNING" path="PNTB1">Possible cross-join: Group/s '[f, A]' are not joined either directly or transitively to other groups through a join criteria. Check all queries in the transformation.</validation-error>


                      <model name="SourceModel_1" type="PHYSICAL" visible="true" path="/dms4/sources/SourceModel_1.xmi">

                          <property name="checksum" value="393527329"/>

                          <property name="indexName" value="3081918730.INDEX"/>

                          <property name="modelUuid" value="mmuuid:10c7c698-235f-447e-bf14-4da68125faeb"/>

                          <property name="modelClass" value="Relational"/>

                          <property name="builtIn" value="false"/>

                          <source name="SourceModel_1" connection-jndi-name="SourceModel_1" translator-name="ws"/>



                  • 6. Re: VDB not working in Linux --> Failed to find the Connection Factory with JNDI name

                    Should I create a *-ds.xml for WS. I did not create one for my local. If so how that works.

                    • 7. Re: VDB not working in Linux --> Failed to find the Connection Factory with JNDI name

                      I figured this out, The issue is with the missing jndi entry in the standaolne.xml file in the resource-adapter section. Now it is fixed.