2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 3, 2015 4:06 AM by thomash

    How to configure threads in Infinispan - WildFly 8




      I am trying to figure out how to configure Infinispan threads in WildFly. All online documentation shows how to externalize a thread to the threads subsystem. Since the threads subsystem is now deprecated, I would like to know how to achieve this.


      The following attributes of the cache-container all reference the threads subsystem. Are these attributes considered deprecated or can they be pointed to a managed-executor-service within the ee subsystem?


      • listener-executor This attribute references a defined thread pool executor in the threads subsystem. It governs the allocation and execution of runnable tasks in the replication queue.
      • eviction-executor This attribute references a defined thread pool executor in the threads subsystem. It governs the allocation and execution of runnable tasks to handle evictions.
      • replication-queue-executor This attribute references a defined thread pool executor in the threads subsystem. It governs the allocation and execution of runnable tasks to handle asynchronous cache operations.


      Thanks in advance

