2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 23, 2014 6:03 AM by thunderstorm

    Jboss EAP 6.1 alpha Remove dead durable subscriber from topic



      I've a big problem, i use Jboss EAP 6.1 alpha with HornetQ, i've defined a topic, all work good.

      The problem is:

      If someone connect a durable client with client-Id="client_foo" and have a name="name_foo" i can remove that sunscriber trought jboss-cli or jconsole.

      If someone connect a durable client with client-id="client_fee" and without name i can't remove it, then recive a message that say can't remove subscriber without subscription-name.

      Now: from remote jconsole i see that for each subscriber jboss make a runtime-queue, is there a method to remove subscriber and it's runtime queue without drop-all-subscriber and lose messages ?

