2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 16, 2014 11:45 AM by gbataille

    Cluster: locate giving inconsistent values


      Hi guys,


      so I have a cluster of 4 wildfly nodes (running Infinispan 6.0.1).

      I have a distributed cache configured with 2 owners

                          <distributed-cache name="rtpm-cache-timeserie" start="EAGER" batching="true" mode="ASYNC" owners="2"/>


      I have 3 objects I'm playing with in my store which have keys "YHOO", "AAPL" and "GOOG"

      I am trying to use interceptors and to do something specific in those when I'm on a node that owns the data being touched.

              String owner = timeSerieCache.getAdvancedCache().getDistributionManager().locate(command.getKey()).toString();

              String server = System.getProperty("jboss.server.name");

              if (owner.contains(server)) {...}

      Everything works fine in a standalone setup or in a 2 nodes distributed setup with a single cache owner.


      Now in my test with 4 nodes, distributed cache, 2 owners:

      • the first 2 keys behave as expected in a consistent fashion. Whatever server I use as an entry point, I can play with my values, and with some jconsole lookup, the values are on 2 nodes as expected.
      • now for the "GOOG" key, I experience 2 issues (that are most certainly linked)
        • First, when I write the value to this key for the first time, it is actually written in a single node (node 2 in my case) according to the JMX jconsole lookup
        • More importantly, and I think that's the root of the evil, the locate call behaves completely differently depending where I initiate it from
          • on node 1, locate gives me Owner [master:server-three/rtpm-cache-container, master:server-four/rtpm-cache-container]
          • on node 2, locate gives me Owner [master:server-three/rtpm-cache-container, master:server-two/rtpm-cache-container]
          • on node 4, locate gives me Owner [master:server-three/rtpm-cache-container, master:server-four/rtpm-cache-container]
          • on node 3, locate gives me Owner [master:server-one/rtpm-cache-container, master:server-two/rtpm-cache-container]


      Obviously when I try then to do a get, the cache calls 2 nodes for help (whichever owner it thinks are the good ones) and it returns null because it either interrogates the 2 wrong nodes, or it interrogates the right one and a false one, and the false one having no value, it answers first!!!


      Any clue what I can do? is there a way to easily debug the Hashing class (I'm using the default distribution algorithm, haven't touched anything there)


      Another information, the keys I am using are not string but part of an enum actually. In case that changes anything...


      public enum Ticker implements Serializable {














          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1l;



          private Ticker(final String ticker) {

              this.ticker = ticker;


          private final String ticker;




          public String toString() {

              return ticker;




          public static Ticker fromString(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {

              if (text != null) {

                  for (Ticker b : Ticker.values()) {

                      if (text.equalsIgnoreCase(b.ticker)) {

                          return b;




              // if it reaches here, that means the ticker string used is invalid

              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ticker String invalid");





        • 1. Re: Cluster: locate giving inconsistent values

          Hi Grégory,


          Can you make sure that the key's hashCode is the same in all nodes?




          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Cluster: locate giving inconsistent values

            Yup that's indeed the issue.

            Because it was working with the other 2 keys I did not think of it first but as soon as I posted, I actually thought of that.


            Actually, you should not use Enum as key in distributed context. An enum hashcode depends only on its memory location value which is obviously not the same on the different servers.


            That makes me think that since it's not that easy to diagnose and could be a recurrent error, maybe some process could be put in Infinispan to prevent using Enums as key, or at least issue a warning.


            Anyway, I switched to strings and it works now.

