1. Re: Getting rhq-oracle-plugin-4.11.0 to work
genman Jul 15, 2014 3:43 PM (in response to walkeri1)Can you send out the file listing for the rhq-oracle plugin? Also check that the agent has the correct version of the plugin:
$ unzip -l target/rhq-oracle-plugin-5.0.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
Archive: target/rhq-oracle-plugin-5.0.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
2152051 07-15-14 12:41 lib/ojdbc6-
I have my own version of the plugin, but this is the general idea.
2. Re: Getting rhq-oracle-plugin-4.11.0 to work
walkeri1 Jul 16, 2014 7:57 AM (in response to genman)Archive: rhq-oracle-plugin-4.11.0.jar
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 07-16-2014 09:23 META-INF/
62 07-16-2014 09:23 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
0 07-16-2014 09:23 lib/
2152051 07-15-2014 12:52 lib/ojdbc6.jar
38331 05-05-2014 23:00 META-INF/rhq-plugin.xml
0 05-05-2014 23:00 META-INF/maven/
0 05-05-2014 23:00 META-INF/maven/org.rhq/
0 05-05-2014 23:00 META-INF/maven/org.rhq/rhq-oracle-plugin/
110 05-05-2014 23:00 META-INF/maven/org.rhq/rhq-oracle-plugin/pom.properties
7364 05-05-2014 22:26 META-INF/maven/org.rhq/rhq-oracle-plugin/pom.xml
0 05-05-2014 23:00 org/
0 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/
0 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/plugins/
0 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/plugins/oracle/
4791 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/plugins/oracle/OracleFlashRecoveryAreaComponent.class
4725 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/plugins/oracle/OracleTablespaceComponent.class
7743 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/plugins/oracle/OracleServerComponent.class
6002 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/plugins/oracle/OracleAsmDiskGroupComponent.class
6177 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/plugins/oracle/OracleDiscoveryComponent.class
4646 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/plugins/oracle/OracleUserComponent.class
5023 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/plugins/oracle/OracleAsmDiskGroupDiscoveryComponent.class
2205 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/plugins/oracle/OraclePooledConnectionProvider.class
2327 05-05-2014 23:00 org/rhq/plugins/oracle/OraclePluginLifecycleListener.class
--------- -------
2241557 23 files
What I don't understand is that if the ojdbc driver is essential for this plugin to work why is it clear as mud on how to include it and get the plugin working?
I found another clue on the web on the rhq-server that it does include:
Should this one be used? Why do some people say that due to Oracle licencing the driver can't be included yet this is bundled with the RHQ server?
3. Re: Getting rhq-oracle-plugin-4.11.0 to work
walkeri1 Jul 16, 2014 9:33 AM (in response to walkeri1)Hi again,
So - maybe I was not seeing the wood for the trees and missed a rookie trick, I had to restart the RHQ agent for my updated plugin to work. Here are my steps in case anyone else has this pain:
I wanted to add a Monitor of an Oracle database using RHQ agent on RHEL6.
Downloaded "Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( JDBC Drivers" - ojdbc6.jar
Copied the Oracle Plugin to some place to work on and upload ojdbc6.jar to /tmp :
# mkdir /tmp/oracle-plugin
# cp /opt/rhq-agent/plugins/rhq-oracle-plugin-4.11.0.jar /tmp/oracle-plugin
# cd /tmp/oracle-plugin
# unzip rhq-oracle-plugin-4.11.0.jar
# mkdir lib
# mv /tmp/ojdbc6.jar /tmp/oracle-plugin/lib
# jar cf rhq-oracle-plugin-4.11.0.jar lib META-INF org
# cp rhq-oracle-plugin-4.11.0.jar /opt/rhq-agent/plugins/
# cd /opt/rhq-agent/bin
# ./rhq-agent-wrapper.sh restart
I was then able to do a Inventory/Import/Oracle Server successfully in the main RHQ Management GUI.
4. Re: Getting rhq-oracle-plugin-4.11.0 to work
genman Jul 16, 2014 1:35 PM (in response to walkeri1)Sorry about the plugin being hard to deal with.
If you download the RHQ source code and set the right magic, Maven build you the plugin correctly.
Why do some people say that due to Oracle licencing the driver can't be included yet this is bundled with the RHQ server?
Actually RHQ doesn't include the Oracle driver. I believe that jar is a dummy. You have to copy it to your server before it can start.
5. Re: Getting rhq-oracle-plugin-4.11.0 to work
tsegismont Jul 23, 2014 10:34 AM (in response to genman)Hi Richard,
The Oracle driver for RHQ server issue is actually documented in the wiki:
- Installing the Server - RHQ - Project Documentation Editor
- Oracle - RHQ - Project Documentation Editor
It's true though that the Oracle agent plugin setup is missing an How-to page. We'd be glad to accept that as a contribution.
Feel free to ask any question on the forum as you continue experimenting with RHQ.