1. Re: Chrome update breaks <rich:fileUpload> 3.3.3.Final
bleathem Jul 17, 2014 2:10 PM (in response to jpeters29)RichFaces 3 is no longer supported. Migrate your application to RichFaces 4 for support with modern browsers.
2. Re: Chrome update breaks <rich:fileUpload> 3.3.3.Final
mfdonovan Jul 21, 2014 8:42 PM (in response to jpeters29)Consider...
Object.extend(FileUpload.prototype, {
add: function (A) {
if (this.disabled) {
if (!A.value) {
if (!this.checkFileType(A.value) || !this.checkDuplicated(A)) {
var F = A.value;
var B = A.cloneNode(true);
B.value = "";
A.parentNode.replaceChild(B, A);
this.currentInput = B;
if (this.events.ontyperejected) {
this.element.fire("rich:ontyperejected", {
fileName: F
var D = new FileUploadEntry(A, this);
if (this.runUpload) {
} else {
// When the object was being cloned, it's onchange value was being fired as well.
// was
// var B = A.cloneNode(true);
// A.onchange = null;
// begin
var onchangeAttribute = $j(A).attr('onchange');
$j(A).attr('onchange', '');
var B = A.cloneNode(false);
$j(B).attr(onchange, onchangeAttribute);
// done
A.style.cssText = "position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px; display: none; visibility: hidden;";
B.id = this.id + ":file" + (this.idCounter++);
B.value = "";
this.currentInput = B;
if (this.events.onadd) {
var C = [];
this.element.fire("rich:onadd", {
entries: C
if (this.runUpload) {
3. Re: Chrome update breaks <rich:fileUpload> 3.3.3.Final
andrey.panasenko Jul 22, 2014 7:23 AM (in response to jpeters29)Try to add attribute noDuplicate="true". It works for me.
4. Re: Chrome update breaks <rich:fileUpload> 3.3.3.Final
scarpent Jul 22, 2014 8:06 AM (in response to mfdonovan)This worked great for me. Thanks!
Code as used in 3.3.4:
var onchangeAttribute = $(elt).attr('onchange');
$(elt).attr('onchange', '');
var newUpload = elt.cloneNode(false);
$(newUpload).attr('onchange', onchangeAttribute);
5. Re: Chrome update breaks <rich:fileUpload> 3.3.3.Final
mfdonovan Jul 22, 2014 10:05 AM (in response to andrey.panasenko)I just tried noDuplicate="true". Works just as well.
I'll probably go with this route as it's less invasive.
Thanks Andrey
6. Re: Chrome update breaks <rich:fileUpload> 3.3.3.Final
juanmiguelbg Jul 22, 2014 12:34 PM (in response to mfdonovan)It's a problem with the version 36 of Chrome, with the version 37 it's work again.
Chrome related issues:
7. Re: Chrome update breaks <rich:fileUpload> 3.3.3.Final
rgonzaga Jul 23, 2014 5:40 PM (in response to andrey.panasenko)Works for me as well. Thanks Andrey!
8. Re: Chrome update breaks <rich:fileUpload> 3.3.3.Final
scarpent Jul 24, 2014 5:26 AM (in response to andrey.panasenko)Ha! I saw your comment about noDuplicate after I had already gotten a new UI jar compiled with the JS fix, and my first thought was that it was only a variation on the JS change (and I don't think I've really found noDuplicate documented, still), so I just stuck with that until I ran into another problem related to this. But ultimately it is noDuplicate that fixes (or at least works around) this for me, and yes, it is a much better path than mucking about with local changes to richfaces-ui jar!
I just wanted to say thank you, Andrey, and others in this thread -- this is very helpful for bridging the time to a Chrome fix.
Now, back to that 3.x to 4.x migration I happened to be working on already. :-)