1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 5, 2014 9:39 AM by badtea

    jBPM 6 in Eclipse



      I have just started my working with jBPM6. I can make new jBPM Process with "a simply hello world process", but I don't know how to use it and i'm looking for some tutorial, in which I can see how to use jBPM in Eclipse, some example etc. Can anyone help me? It will be helpful for me if some tutorial/user guide show step by step how to do something in Eclipse with jBPM.




        • 1. Re: jBPM 6 in Eclipse

          When you create the hello world process, under the project on the left you should see "src/main/java" and "src/main/resources".  If you expand "src/main/resources", you can open the BPMN process and add to it, if desired.  If you expand "src/main/java" you will get to a Java class named ProcessTest.java.  You can inspect this class to see how it is running the BPMN process.  You can right-click this Java class and click Run As > JUnit Test.  You should see it output "Hello World" to the console.


          For a tutorial on how to use jBPM in Eclipse, there is a short tutorial video in the documentation: http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v6.0.1/userguide/jBPMInstaller.html#d0e780

