3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 22, 2014 1:56 AM by swiderski.maciej

    signal end event


      Hi, I was looking for some documentation about signal end event.


      What does it do?

      Can I use it tosend a signal to another process (if I know its pid)?





        • 1. Re: signal end event

          signal end event is sort of a broadcast event within scope of ksession. So it will signal all matching process instances, by matching I mean process instances that are waiting for given signal name. So to answer your question - yes you can signal another process instance just make sure that the other process instance is waiting for such signal.



          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: signal end event

            Thanks, Maciej!


            How can I configure process to signal?



            • 3. Re: signal end event

              specify signal ref on both throwing event (like end event) and catching (the other process that needs to receive signal. Make sure that you define same signal ref so they can be matched and signal will reach the right process instances.

