1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 23, 2014 1:20 AM by venugopalan

    ejb 2.0 stateless session bean not working after migrate from 5.0 to eap 6.1





      <session id="UygulamaMgr">








         <ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_1138969075907">







         <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_1375250216534">













      <ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_1072684100492">











      Class[] paramTypes = new Class[0];

      Object obj = new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/session/UygulamaMgr");

      Method method = obj.getClass().getMethod("create", paramTypes);

      UygulamaMgrLocal local = (UygulamaMgrLocal) method.invoke(obj, new Object[] {});




      This code is in my servlet. When debugging I can see local variable is obtained. But next line of code is waiting for a long time and then produce following  logs.


      00:40:16,059 WARN  [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna] (Transaction Reaper) ARJUNA012117: TransactionReaper::check timeout for TX 0:ffff0a5a0a39:-61be207a:5385756f:9 in state  RUN

      00:40:16,061 WARN  [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna] (Transaction Reaper Worker 0) ARJUNA012095: Abort of action id 0:ffff0a5a0a39:-61be207a:5385756f:9 invoked while multiple threads active within it.

      00:40:16,062 WARN  [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna] (Transaction Reaper Worker 0) ARJUNA012108: CheckedAction::check - atomic action 0:ffff0a5a0a39:-61be207a:5385756f:9 aborting with 1 threads active!

      00:40:16,063 WARN  [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna] (Transaction Reaper Worker 0) ARJUNA012121: TransactionReaper::doCancellations worker Thread[Transaction Reaper Worker 0,5,main] successfully canceled TX 0:ffff0a5a0a39:-61be207a:5385756f:9


      This all was working well in Jboss 5.0 GA. But case is above in eap 6.1 and 6.2.


      Thans for your help.

        • 1. Re: ejb 2.0 stateless session bean not working after migrate from 5.0 to eap 6.1

          Hi Fatih,


          Would need your advise to resolve our issue.


          we have jboss4.2GA and ejb2.0 which we have migrated to jboss 5.0GA. But now we receive error
          vfszip:XXXXXXX/SEC_UserGroup.jar -> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to find ContainerDependencyMetaData for interface: scb.security.ejb.DepartmentEntity


          Content of SEC_UserGroup.jar/meta-inf/ejb-jar.xml  :

          <ejb-local-ref id="EJBLocalRef_1114432956156">















          We do have the DepartmentEntity.class in SEC_Department.jar/scb/security/ejb/


          Both SEC_UserGroup.jar and SEC_Department.jar are present in path deploy/Sample.ear/lib/


          Let us know how we can resolve the error???

          LITTLE URGENT, any body help would be appreciated.