1. Re: How to enable ip lookups - resolve hosts on Wildfly
jaikiran Jul 25, 2014 10:41 AM (in response to susnet)Do you mean the enable-lookups attribute on the connector element in previous versions:
<connector name="https"
If yes, then in WildFly 8 the Undertow subsystem is where those connectors get configured. Someone from the Undertow team might be able to help you on that.
2. Re: How to enable ip lookups - resolve hosts on Wildfly
susnet Jul 26, 2014 6:32 AM (in response to jaikiran)Yes, that's what I mean. I hope someone from the Undertow team could answer. I read the documentation but did not find anything.
3. Re: How to enable ip lookups - resolve hosts on Wildfly
ctomc Jul 28, 2014 8:09 AM (in response to susnet)Hey, in undertow this is enabled by default and we don't have flag to control this behavior yet.
this is the current impl for this method undertow/servlet/src/main/java/io/undertow/servlet/spec/HttpServletRequestImpl.java at master · undertow-io/undertow · G…
4. Re: How to enable ip lookups - resolve hosts on Wildfly
ctomc Jul 28, 2014 8:28 AM (in response to ctomc)I talked bit more with guys and this should actually be configurable as we have special handler that makes does reverse dns lookup
but it is not configured by default or in any case for that matter.
handler is io.undertow.server.handlers.PeerNameResolvingHandler and should be added to lifecycle of the request.
until we have it properly implemented as configuration option, only way to do it is by creating ServletExtension and adding it there see http://undertow.io/documentation/servlet/servlet-extensions.html for more info on that.
I crated [WFLY-3672] Add configuration to enable PeerNameResolvingHandler - JBoss Issue Tracker to track adding this feature to configuration