1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 31, 2014 5:54 AM by danielcunha

    [forge-dev] Running the build on Windows


      Hey everybody,


      As we discussed yesterday, a promised to run the build locally on my

      Windows computer to see if we have any issues there, fix them and only then

      address the failing builds on the build server.


      I did that, and I have the following observations:


      1) The text addon tests failed, mostly because the patterns that recognize

      the different language elements for YAML, Groovy, JavaScript and HTML are

      built with the assumption that the end of line character is \n. You know,

      on Windows it is \r\n. So there were some tests failures. I decided to fix

      them and only then to continue. But after it took me more than two hours

      debugging and trying without much progress (fixed only YAML and most of the

      Groovy) I gave up. I then cloned the repo with git's autocrlf set to false

      and the tests passed. Nevertheless, we should fix these I guess, if we want

      our text addon to work on Windows


      2) The JavaEE addon failed with a JVM crash (I attached the generated dump

      files from the three runs that I did). I tried to run it both as part of

      the build of the whole Forge core, as well as individually. In both cases

      it failed. I will install a newer version of the JDK and will try again.


      That is for the moment from my side. Unfortunately I spent all the time

      debugging the text addon, so didn't spend any effort on the JUnit command

      and no email for utility methods so far from me.





        • 1. Re: [forge-dev] Running the build on Windows

          Hi Ivan,


          I don't know if aesh work ok on windows. In my last test I had many problem

          and that can be the answer about forge don't run ok on windows.



          On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 4:45 AM, Ivan St. Ivanov <ivan.st.ivanov@gmail.com>



          Hey everybody,


          As we discussed yesterday, a promised to run the build locally on my

          Windows computer to see if we have any issues there, fix them and only then

          address the failing builds on the build server.


          I did that, and I have the following observations:


          1) The text addon tests failed, mostly because the patterns that recognize

          the different language elements for YAML, Groovy, JavaScript and HTML are

          built with the assumption that the end of line character is \n. You know,

          on Windows it is \r\n. So there were some tests failures. I decided to fix

          them and only then to continue. But after it took me more than two hours

          debugging and trying without much progress (fixed only YAML and most of the

          Groovy) I gave up. I then cloned the repo with git's autocrlf set to false

          and the tests passed. Nevertheless, we should fix these I guess, if we want

          our text addon to work on Windows


          2) The JavaEE addon failed with a JVM crash (I attached the generated dump

          files from the three runs that I did). I tried to run it both as part of

          the build of the whole Forge core, as well as individually. In both cases

          it failed. I will install a newer version of the JDK and will try again.


          That is for the moment from my side. Unfortunately I spent all the time

          debugging the text addon, so didn't spend any effort on the JUnit command

          and no email for utility methods so far from me.






          forge-dev mailing list








          Daniel Cunha (soro) <http://www.cejug.net>

          Blog: http://www.danielsoro.com.br

          Twitter: https://twitter.com/dvlc_

          GitHub: https://github.com/danielsoro

          LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/danielvlcunha