10 Replies Latest reply on Aug 5, 2014 4:24 AM by ebelm

    WELD injecting SessionScoped beans from another session


      Hi all,


      lately we have been experiencing serious problems with two of our customer systems. Our customers are running two independent instances of the same JSF 2.2 application on two machines having a Glassfish 4.0 Server with WELD 2.0.5. At random requests we get @SessionScoped bean instances injected that have the content of another session. We have been tracking this problem for a while and haven't been able to find a solution yet. A detailed explanation of the problem can be found on stack overflow:



      (Un-)luckily there are other people having the same problem, but it still seems to be extremely rare:



      I haven't been able to find a bug in WELD's issue tracker that indicates that this is a known problem. Is there anyone who can tell if this is actually a WELD problem or some other worst-case combination of different factors coming together? The machine restart thing makes us really wonder that...


      Any hint is gladly appreciated!

        • 1. Re: WELD injecting SessionScoped beans from another session

          Hi Marius,

          this looks like a ThreadLocal leak. Recently, we've fixed a similar issue but it was observed when using the Atmosphere Push Library on Tomcat - the reason was that a Weld listener, responsible for the cleanup and implementing javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener.requestDestroyed(), was not invoked. Could you describe your application and technologies used? As to lifecycle events - does your logout action include an explicit HTTP session invalidation, i.e. calling javax.servlet.http.HttpSession.invalidate()? If not, it's the matter of HttpSession timeout when is the @PreDestroy callback invoked. However, bean instances must never be shared/reused across different sessions.

          • 2. Re: WELD injecting SessionScoped beans from another session

            Hi Martin,

            thanks for your quick reaction. Regarding your questions:

            Since it is a quite simple web application the variety of technologies is quite low.

            - JDK 1.7

            - Glassfish 4.0

            - WELD 2.0.5

            - JSF 2.2.5

            - OmniFaces 1.7

            - Apache Commons

            - Gson Library 

            Session lifecycle: 

            Yes, if the users use the logout button, the logout action includes an explicit session invalidate call:


            • 3. Re: WELD injecting SessionScoped beans from another session

              Do you use PrimeFaces Push or any other websockets/long-polling/streaming solution as well?

              • 4. Re: WELD injecting SessionScoped beans from another session

                No, we don't use any of these techniques. It's in the traditional sense a simple web application.

                • 5. Re: WELD injecting SessionScoped beans from another session

                  Ok, back to the beginning. You've mentioned there are "two independent instances of the same JSF 2.2 application on two machines". Does it mean that there's no session replication, no load balancing, etc. Those machines are isolated and users always send requests to the same machine...

                  • 6. Re: WELD injecting SessionScoped beans from another session

                    Exactly. These two machines are literally at opposite sides of the globe and the Glassfish instances are setup to be all by themselves without communicating with each other. Users at one site only use their local server and not the other instance.

                    • 7. Re: WELD injecting SessionScoped beans from another session

                      Well, I'm running out of ideas. It would be great if you could reproduce the problem locally - but I know it's difficult/impossible. I would start with reducing the number of threads GF is using to handle HTTP requests (I still think it might be some ThreadLocal leak) and looking for strange exceptions in the log. I would also try GlassFish forums.

                      • 8. Re: WELD injecting SessionScoped beans from another session

                        So do we. Am I understanding you correctly, that the assumption of a thread local leak would mean, that after a process is done (e.g. a request was processed) the value of a ThreadLocal instance is not cleared and therefore (in some rare situations) reused on other requests being processed by the very same thread? So decreasing the number of threads inside the domain's thread pool to 1 or 2 could maybe increase the probability to have the error occurring.

                        • 9. Re: WELD injecting SessionScoped beans from another session

                          Yes, that's exactly what I mean. I'm not sure about which thread pool is used in GF to handle HTTP requests though.

                          • 10. Re: WELD injecting SessionScoped beans from another session

                            Thanks for the lead. To find the right thread pool is no big deal compared to the rest.