1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 4, 2014 11:23 AM by pferraro

    Configuration migration from JBOSS 7.1 to Wildfly (web subsystem)


      Hi all.


      I'm trying to migrate the JBOSS configuration (standalone.xml) from version 7.1 to wildfly.


      I've been able to migrate almost everything, but now I'm stuck with the web subsystem.

      I tried to search for some documentation about how to migrate from web subsystem to undertow, but had no luck.


      My current configuration (JBoss 7.1) is:


      <connector name="https" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="https"

                      socket-binding="https" secure="true">



              password="shhhhh!don't tell anyone!!"


              protocol="TLSv1" verify-client="true"


              ca-certificate-password="shhhhh!don't tell anyone!!"

              keystore-type="JKS" truststore-type="JKS" />



      How should I change it to make it works with Wildfly? I think I should use realms, but couldn't figure out how to correctly configure them.


      Thanks you in advance for you help!


      Best Regards,
