1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 5, 2014 3:53 PM by derrick.mckee

    WSDL and AWS


      Hey, I am pretty new with JBOSS and web services, but nonetheless I am trying to set up a JBOSS instance on an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu instance.  Everything seems to be ok with JBOSS (I can reach the management console, upload WARs and communicate with the MySQL server).  However, my Web Service client is not working, and I think it is because of the WSDL, which I have attached.  At the end, there is a <wsdl:service> definition, and the location of the service is localhost and not the address of my EC2 instance.


      When I use SoapUI to test my EC2 setup, and I give it the location of my WSDL on my EC2 setup, the requests that it creates have a request address of localhost.  Unsurprisingly, the request fails.  However, if I change that address to use my Amazon address, the request returns with the correct result.


      So I guess my question is how is JBOSS generating the WSDL that it is using?  Let me know if I am missing any information...like I said, I am new at this.