8 Replies Latest reply on Oct 29, 2014 4:15 AM by swiderski.maciej

    how to find processDefId by rest commands?


      In my remote web application I need to start a process that user designed in kie-wb console.

      So I need to call a rest command

      [POST] /runtime/{deploymentId}/process/{processDefId}/start

      for that I need deploymentId and processDefId

      it is very easy to find deploymentId by this rest command

      [GET] /rest/deployment/

      for example the result is













      deploymentId = groupId:artifactId:version

      but unfortunately I can't find any command to get processDefId

      so I can not start new process that admin designed in Kie-wb in my remote program.

      is there any way?


        • 1. Re: how to find processDefId by rest commands?

          There are some "execute calls" listed in the documentation here: Chapter 17. Remote API.


          It says that you pass a JaxbCommandsRequest object to the call and you get a JaxbCommandResponse in reply.


          There is a list of possible commands you can send.  One of the commands is GetProcessIdsCommand.  I found the code for this command here, and I think it will give you what you want.


          However, I do not understand how you actually make the REST call.  Are you supposed to pass the JaxbCommandsRequest object as XML in the REST call?  I would be interested to hear if you get this to work.



          • 2. Re: how to find processDefId by rest commands?

            Hi Travis

            Thanks for your reply,

            Yes, I know that commands but, I don't call them rest remote commands.

            using them needs to add many complexity to project, adding org.kie.api and org.jbpm.services and more classes

            and there is no clear way to add them as I know!

            my project is not maven based.

            I prefer to use POST and GET commands, they are standard way to implement webservice, I think.

            I use this function to send rest commands from my code


            private String getDataFromService(String urlpath, String method) throws Exception {

                    HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();



                            new AuthScope("localhost", 8080, "realm"),

                            new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password)


                    HttpMethod theMethod = null;

                    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

                    if ("GET".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {

                        theMethod = new GetMethod(urlpath);

                    } else if ("POST".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) {

                        theMethod = new PostMethod(urlpath);



                    try {



                        System.out.println("JSon Result: => " + sb.toString());

                        return sb.toString();

                    } catch (Exception e) {

                        throw e;

                    } finally {




            • 3. Re: how to find processDefId by rest commands?

              Hi Reza,

              I agree that adding the JaxbCommandsRequest to your application would add some complexity that you may not need.


              However, I was thinking the JaxbCommandsRequest is really an XML object.  (See the code for it here).  I was hoping that I could just write the XML as a string in the REST call.  For example, I use the HttpRequester plugin for Firefox to test REST calls.  I was hoping I could just put the XML into the content of the REST call.  See the screenshot below for an example.  (The XML in the screenshot is just my guess.  I do not know the actual XML that would be needed.)


              I don't know if my plan would work, though.  I don't know enough about REST web services.


              I will be experimenting with this soon.  I will let you know if I get it working.





              • 4. Re: how to find processDefId by rest commands?

                Hello Travis, thanks for the example,

                but in my rest client this not work






                return somthing like this:


                <exception index="0">








                DeploymentNotFoundException thrown with message 'No deployment id supplied! Could not retrieve runtime to execute GetProcessIdsCommand'




                org.kie.remote.services.exception.DeploymentNotFoundException: No deployment id supplied! Could not retrieve runtime to execute GetProcessIdsCommand at org.kie.remote.services.cdi.ProcessRequestBean.doKieSessionOperation(ProcessRequestBean.java:170) at org.kie.remote.services.cdi.ProcessRequestBean.processCommand(ProcessRequestBean.java:132) at org.kie.remote.services.cdi.ProcessRequestBean$Proxy$_$$_WeldClientProxy.processCommand(ProcessRequestBean$Proxy$_$$_WeldClientProxy.java) at org.kie.remote.services.rest.ResourceBase.restProcessJaxbCommandsRequest(ResourceBase.java:69) at org.kie.remo



                if I add the deployment-id return







                only works this xml:






                but return the history of process, I need only the ProcessID ACTIVE,  is there any way?



                • 5. Re: how to find processDefId by rest commands?

                  Hi Mauro,

                  Thank you for trying my example.  I was not sure if it would work.


                  In the JBPM docs I found there is another command called "FindActiveProcessInstancesCommand".  I have not tried this command, but maybe it will do what you want.



                  • 6. Re: how to find processDefId by rest commands?

                    Thanks Travis.

                    I can't believe, I need something as simple as a service REST that return a list of Process Definition ID's but I can not find documentation.

                    I will continue looking for documentation or examples


                    thanks again!



                    • 7. Re: how to find processDefId by rest commands?

                      Hi Mauro,

                      Did you try the "FindActiveProcessInstancesCommand" command?  You would put it in the XML request, similar to how you were doing it above.  I have not tried it myself though.





                      • 8. Re: how to find processDefId by rest commands?

                        I believe in version 6.1 there should be a dedicated REST resource that returns all process definitions:



                        that should give you quite few information about each process definition given user has access to.

