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    Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem




      I have a problem with the example quickstart ejb remote invocation “wildfly-ejb-remote-client”.



      I tried the example with Wildfly 8.1 but doesn’t work.

      The 8080 port is open and the server side application is correctly deployed.




      ago 12, 2014 11:59:53 AM org.jboss.ejb.client.remoting.ConfigBasedEJBClientContextSelector setupEJBReceivers

      WARN: Could not register a EJB receiver for connection to localhost:8080

          java.lang.RuntimeException: Operation failed with status WAITING

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.remoting.IoFutureHelper.get(IoFutureHelper.java:94)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.remoting.ConnectionPool.getConnection(ConnectionPool.java:77)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.remoting.RemotingConnectionManager.getConnection(RemotingConnectionManager.java:51)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.remoting.ConfigBasedEJBClientContextSelector.setupEJBReceivers(ConfigBasedEJBClientContextSelector.java:155)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.remoting.ConfigBasedEJBClientContextSelector.getCurrent(ConfigBasedEJBClientContextSelector.java:115)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.remoting.ConfigBasedEJBClientContextSelector.getCurrent(ConfigBasedEJBClientContextSelector.java:47)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientContext.getCurrent(EJBClientContext.java:271)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientContext.requireCurrent(EJBClientContext.java:281)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBInvocationHandler.doInvoke(EJBInvocationHandler.java:176)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBInvocationHandler.invoke(EJBInvocationHandler.java:144)

             at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0.add(Unknown Source)

             at org.jboss.as.quickstarts.ejb.remote.client.RemoteEJBClient.invokeStatelessBean(RemoteEJBClient.java:56)

             at org.jboss.as.quickstarts.ejb.remote.client.RemoteEJBClient.main(RemoteEJBClient.java:38)

      Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: EJBCLIENT000025: No EJB receiver available for handling [appName:, moduleName:wildfly-ejb-remote-server-side, distinctName:] combination for invocation context org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientInvocationContext@352cebd2

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientContext.requireEJBReceiver(EJBClientContext.java:749)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.ReceiverInterceptor.handleInvocation(ReceiverInterceptor.java:116)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientInvocationContext.sendRequest(EJBClientInvocationContext.java:186)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBInvocationHandler.sendRequestWithPossibleRetries(EJBInvocationHandler.java:253)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBInvocationHandler.doInvoke(EJBInvocationHandler.java:198)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBInvocationHandler.doInvoke(EJBInvocationHandler.java:181)

             at org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBInvocationHandler.invoke(EJBInvocationHandler.java:144)

             at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0.add(Unknown Source)

             at org.jboss.as.quickstarts.ejb.remote.client.RemoteEJBClient.invokeStatelessBean(RemoteEJBClient.java:56)

             at org.jboss.as.quickstarts.ejb.remote.client.RemoteEJBClient.main(RemoteEJBClient.java:38)



      Thanks for any help!


        • 1. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

          Did you follow the Instructions of ejb-remote?

          How do you start the server and the client? Are you on the same machine?

          • 2. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

            Yes, I followed the ejb-remote instruction and Wildfly was exactly the standard configuration without any modifications.


            I tried on my PC the server and the client:

            • The server startup command was: standalone.bat
            • The client startup command was: mvn exec:exec


            Best regards


            • 3. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

              Done a short test on my machine without problems.

              Did you use mvn and the server on the same physical machine? "localhost" is not accessible from outside.


              Are you using the current server/quickstarts? Maybe you download the latest.

              Could you show the versions and download links?

              • 4. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

                Yes I use mvn and Wildfly on the same machine.


                Wildfly responds correctly at http://localhost:8080/ with a browser (no proxy).


                What is the current server/quickstarts? I downloaded via GIT the latest version (HEAD), maybe that is the problem!


                Thanks in advance

                • 5. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

                  I'm encountering exactly the same problems.

                  I'm using java 1.8.0_05 and maven 3.2.3 under windows7. I downloaded wildfly-8.1.8-final and the latest quickstarts. I didn't change any file of the wildfly- and quickstarts-distributions.

                  Afterwards I:

                  - started wildfly with standalone.bat

                  - called mvn clean install in ejb-remote/server-side

                  - followed by mvn wildfly:deploy

                  - called mvn clean compile in ejb-remote/client

                  - followed by mvn exec:exec

                  The program terminated with the following error-messages:

                  - WARN: Could not register a EJB receiver for connection to localhost:8080

                  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Operation failed with status WAITING

                  - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: EJBCLIENT000025: No EJB receiver available for handling [appName:, moduleName:wildfly-ejb-remote-server-side, distinctName:] combination for invocation context org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientInvocationContext@2f686d1f

                  • 6. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

                    I just made the same test with my private computer, which has Apple OSX-10.9.4 as the operating system.

                    And there everything is running fine. So the reason for the problems I described are based on the operating system.

                    Has anybody an idea, which configuration I must change under windows7?

                    • 7. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

                      That is interesting

                      I use:

                      • Windows 7 64 bit
                      • Maven 3.2.3
                      • Oracle JDK 1.7.0_21
                      • wildfly-8.1.0.Final
                      • 8. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

                        So it could be really a windows-configuration-problem.

                        But I have no idea, what must be changed to run the examples.

                        • 9. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

                          With my Windows I have no issues.

                          Is it possible to invoke <host>:8080 with a browser for localhost and the real IP?


                          Maybe you can switch of the windows firewall, might be that the java process is blocked for communication.

                          • 10. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

                            What version of windows you are working with? Is it Windows 7 too?


                            My web-application is accessible with, localhost:8080 and from all computers in our network with ip-address:8080.

                            I have to contact our sysadmin to switch off the firewall. I will inform you about the results of this test later.

                            • 11. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

                              Even with no active firewall it is not working.

                              Additionally I deleted my complete maven-repository and the maven-settings, compiled, linked and started everything anew. But with no success.

                              I tried also this example under linux and it worked. Even with the class- and jar-files I created under windows.

                              At the moment I have no idea what is wrong with my windows-installation.

                              • 12. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

                                Another test: I started under windows wildfly with the deployed server-side example. Under linux I started the ejb-remote-client. This worked (after adding a user and changing the client configuration).

                                But the other way around (client under windows and server under linux) didn't work.

                                So it is not a problem with the wildfly configuration, but with the ejb-remote-client.

                                Any idea?

                                • 13. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

                                  Could you invoke the ejb@linux if you use another linux machine as client?

                                  What if you use a Java7 for the windows client?

                                  What might help to analyze is to increase the logging level at client and server side (org.jboss.xnio, org.jboss.remoting), another option is to use Wireshark to check whether you see the request at network level

                                  • 14. Re: Wildfly 8.1 ejb remote invocation problem

                                    It is true, with linux client and server the example works fine.


                                    I saw in the jboss-client.jar that there are two files /lib/linux-i686/libHornetQAIO32.so /lib/linux-i686/libHornetQAIO64.so.

                                    There is something native for the client connection?

                                    There is nothing for windows in the directory lib ...

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