2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 14, 2007 4:57 PM by rg64

    JBI Tooling support for CXF and Camel components


      Any idea when the FUSE Tooling will be updated to support JBI packaging and deployment of CXF and Camel components? Both of these are critical components in the FUSE stack. I would hope that you are planning to support both in the near future. The existing support for the JSR-181 and EIP components means very little now that these next-generation components are available. Any information you can provide would be appreciated.


      - Ron

        • 1. Re: JBI Tooling support for CXF and Camel components

          JAX-WS java-first and code-first development for CXF is coming in from the SOATools project at Eclipse. For Camel development, we're looking at incorporating the new Cimero V2 code from Bull, which they have graciously granted to the same project. You will see it in place in the project SVN very soon, once it's in place we can start building upon it to create a really simple EIP-based Camel route construction tool.

          • 2. Re: JBI Tooling support for CXF and Camel components

            Yes, the STP support for deploying JAX-WS/CXF services to Tomcat works great. However, I am not looking to deploy a WAR to Tomcat. Rather I am looking to deploy an STP-enabled JAX-WS/CFG service to the FUSE ESB as a JBI assembly. Currently, there are numerous wizards in the IONA FUSE tooling (1.4.0) that support developing and deploying many of the older ServiceMix JBI components within Eclipse. Wizards are provided which essentially wrap the appropriate Maven2 Archetype plugins to create a project that is deployable as a JBI assembly to the FUSE ESB. I would like to see CXF BC/SE wizards that use the CXF Maven2 Archetypes to create JBI-based projects that are enabled with all the STP-supplied goodies such as annotations, etc. Does that make sense? This doesn't seem like a terribly difficult task. If the FUSE Tooling were open source, I would give it a try myself.


            As far as Camel support is concerned, I am not looking for full Cimero2 support in the near future. Rather, I simply want another JBI wizard added to the suite of existing wizards that wraps the camel-maven-plugin to create a Camel JBI project that in turn is deployable to FUSE ESB. Again, this seems like a straight forward task.


            Finally, the STP plugins and the IONA FUSE ESB Tooling 1.4.0 do not currently seem to co-exist all that well. Do you know if these have been tested together in the same workspace?


            Your comments are appreciated.


            - Ron