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1. Re: DecoupledEndpoint: Timeout while awaiting response.
rcbilbr Nov 26, 2007 5:23 PM (in response to rcbilbr)Folks,
Pardon me, but my posting should begin with:
I have a Java client program that invokes an asynchronous method
on a cxf-based web service...
How do I get the client to wait longer than 10 seconds
when I am waiting for the result over a DecoupledClient?
2. Re: DecoupledEndpoint: Timeout while awaiting response.
dkulp_dkulp Nov 29, 2007 2:44 PM (in response to rcbilbr)Any chance you can try with 2.0.3?
I'm pretty sure the timeout in the client was increased to 60 secs. Plus, a setter was added to ClientImpl to control that.
3. Re: DecoupledEndpoint: Timeout while awaiting response.
rcbilbr Nov 30, 2007 3:32 PM (in response to dkulp_dkulp)Thanks Dan.
I'll try to get 2.0.3.
In the meantime, can I configure that timeout via a Spring configuration file
as I would the other http:client elements?
Thanks again,