1. Re: Getting started with Fuse
bsnyder Jan 20, 2008 1:12 PM (in response to milan.dinic)i was unable to find any example how to use iona fuse as ESB that works with FTP, i have reviewed examples found in Fuse folder, but could not find anything about ftp.
i need to create component that would use one ftp location as inbox and other ftp location as output, and to be able to add dynamically inbox and outbox location, this is suppose to work within spring.
Have you walked through the getting started document or the tutorials on the Apache ServiceMix website yet? These will give you an idea of how to get started. Additionally, I also highly recommend that you read the What is JBI? FAQ entry as well as all the pages linked to that page. These items will give you an understanding of the JBI concepts before you dive into the use of the technology.
Basically you will use Maven archetypes to create project skeletons to configure each JBI component you need to use. Upon packaging these Maven projects into a jar/zip file, they are known as JBI service units. Service units are then packaged inside of JBI service assembly for deployment to the JBI container.
Based on what you have described above, you'll need to use the servicemix-ftp-poller-service-unit and servicemix-ftp-sender-service-unit to create two Maven projects, one to configure the servicemix-ftp component to poll for files on a FTP server and another to configure the servicemix-ftp component to send files to a FTP server. A high level view of this type of component flow would look something like this:
remote filesystem --> (ftp-poller-su) --> (ftp-sender-su) --> remote filesystem
This is just my interpretation of what you described above. Your actual component flow may vary based on how you design it.
Any suggestions about pdf tutorials(ebooks) on subject iona fuse servicemix EBS?
Can anyone help me or point me to some examples?
We're actually in the process of creating this type of documentation. As for examples, there are some simple examples that come with Apache ServiceMix as well as a product demo available from the Open.IONA downloads page. In the meantime, a combination of the items on the Apache ServiceMix website that I've pointed out above and our help via this forum should help to get you going.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
2. Re: Getting started with Fuse
milan.dinic Jan 20, 2008 3:25 PM (in response to bsnyder)Thank you for quick replay. Your reply is very helpful.
I just don't get it how I missed tutorial link on home page(http://servicemix.apache.org).
Maybe because all the time I was searching for PDF tutorial for servicemix, not just tutorial.
Thanks again!
Best regards,
Milan Dinic
3. Re: Getting started with Fuse
milan.dinic Jan 23, 2008 4:45 AM (in response to bsnyder)Hi Bruce,
I have walked trough tutorial, now i know what does SE, BC, SU, SA mean.
Obviously I do not need to create any SE's or BC's.
The task that i need to preform can be done with two SU.
But I still have problems making ftp to ftp service.
this is procedure that i did, in details, can you tell me where did I made mistake?
mkdir service-mix-ftp
cd service-mix-ftp
make file pom.xml in folder service-mix-ftp
edit pom.xml, now, pom.xml(parent pom) contained
As i have understood, creating the service assembly is not a necessary step, or em I wrong?
SA is used to combine SU's into one zip with descriptor META-INF\jbi.xml, which contains informations about SU's.
then i run in folder service-mix-ftp (on parent pom)
mvn install
maven reported:
SUCCESS on all 3 projects (parent, and two service units)
i found in target folder, of both SU's, zip files:
which I moved to:
started servicemix,
it reported
INFO - AutoDeploymentService - Directory: hotdeploy: Finished installa
tion of archive: tutorial-filesender-su-1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip
INFO - AutoDeploymentService - Directory: hotdeploy: Finished installa
tion of archive: tutorial-filepoller-su-1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip
without any error.
the problem is, it does not poll or send files,
it might be, for some reason, that server have not started this services.
4. Re: Getting started with Fuse
bsnyder Jan 23, 2008 12:12 PM (in response to milan.dinic)Great, all the steps you've followed so far are correct and you're almost done. Now you just need to create a SA using the servicemix-service-assembly Maven archetype. Then edit the pom.xml for the SA and add dependencies to it for the tutorial-filepoller-su and tutorial-filesender-su. SUs must be wrapped in a SA in order to be deployed to the JBI container. This is a requirement by the JBI spec.