2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 15, 2008 5:08 AM by edelln

    Endpoint ServiceEndpoint has a service description,but no matching endpoint




      I have developed and deployed external web service in Axis1.4 using Tomcat. By giving following external web service location (http://localhost:8080/axis/services/fibonacci?wsdl) in browser I am able to see the generated wsdl file.


      My requirement is to write a client in servicemix and call a method in external web service and get response from it.I have followed following steps..



      1.I have created service unit (cxf-se) and placed the fib.wsdl(external webservice wsdl) under (main\src\resource) and generated the client stubs required to call the external webservice from service mix.


      2. I have written following client program in cxf-se service unit to call this external web service.Its under (main\src\java)


      package org.apache.servicemix.samples.webservice;

      import org.apache.servicemix.samples.fibonacci.*;


      import java.io.File;

      import java.net.URL;

      import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

      import javax.xml.ws.Service;

      import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

      import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;



      public class FibonacciClient{


      private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FibonacciClient.class);


      public static void main(String args[])


          log.info("inside Fuse Fibonacci Client Program");

          QName serviceName = new QName("urn:fibonacci", "FibonacciService");

          Service s = Service.create(serviceName);   


          QName portName = new QName("urn:fibonacci", "fibonacci");

          s.addPort(portName, "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/", "http://localhost:8080/axis/services/fibonacci");


          Fibonacci proxy = s.getPort(portName, Fibonacci.class);


          //Quote quote = proxy.calculateFibonacci(3);

          log.debug("Calculated Fibonacci in Client--->"+proxy.calculateFibonacci(3));





      3. My xbean.xml of service unit(cxf-se) has following entries




      6. After this I created service assembly and successfully able to deploy it in service mix.


      7. In service mix i got the following trace::


      Jul 15, 2008 11:34:55 AM org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ReflectionServiceFactoryBean buildServiceFromClass

      INFO: Creating Service FibonacciClientService from class org.ap


      Jul 15, 2008 11:34:56 AM org.apache.cxf.configuration.spring.ConfigurerImpl getBeanName

      INFO: Could not determine bean name for instance of class org.apache.cxf.transport.jbi.JBIDestination.

      Jul 15, 2008 11:34:56 AM org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ServerImpl initDestination

      INFO: Setting the server's publish address to be jbi://ID-10-66-177-114-11b2537ebfe-20-0

      INFO  - ServiceUnitLifeCycle           - Starting service unit: fuse-client-http-bc

      INFO  - WSDL1Processor                 - Endpoint ServiceEndpoint[service=FibonacciService,endpoin

      t=FibonacciClient] has a service description, but no matching endpoint found in



      *)Can you help me in resolving this?


      *)Whether the steps followed for calling external web service from service mix client is correct?


      *) How can I test in service mix whether the method of external web service is returning proper value? I mean how to perform the test?


      Its urgent please help me in resolving this..



        • 1. Re: Endpoint ServiceEndpoint has a service description,but no matching endpoint

          I will take a look at get back to you.

          • 2. Re: Endpoint ServiceEndpoint has a service description,but no matching endpoint



            I think you are missing the point here.


            You will need something to invoke on your method in your cxf-se.


            So effectively you need to set up this client external to servicemix.


            Create a cxf-bc consumer that will consume this message and forward it to the cxf-se


            Then in the cxf-se invoke the external web service call to the external web service.

            for this you will also need to setup a cxf-bc provider as you have done.


            But if you just want to test this call from the cxf-se


            you will need to set up something similar to what is in the cxfbcSystemProviderSystemTest in your cxf-se class




            client = new DefaultServiceMixClient(jbi);
                    io = client.createInOutExchange();
                    io.setService(new QName("http://apache.org/hello_world_soap_http_provider", "SOAPService"));
                    io.setInterfaceName(new QName("http://apache.org/hello_world_soap_http_provider", "Greeter"));
                    io.setOperation(new QName("http://apache.org/hello_world_soap_http_provider", "greetMe"));
                    //send message to proxy
                    io.getInMessage().setContent(new StringSource(
                          "<greetMe xmlns='http://apache.org/hello_world_soap_http_provider/types'><requestType>"
                          + "Edell"
                          + "</requestType></greetMe>"));
                    assertTrue(new SourceTransformer().contentToString(
                            io.getOutMessage()).indexOf("Hello Edell") >= 0); 

            Here you will see it sets the servicename, operation name etc , sets up the content of the message and at the end will check the return value.


            In the cxf-bc provider - try set the locationURI as well.


            Also the error you get suggests that the endpoint name is different.


            What is the Port name of your wsdl  ?


            Hope this helps, Edell.


            Edited by: edelln on Jul 15, 2008 5:04 AM