1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 16, 2008 6:20 AM by mielket

    How to set exchange MEP as IN/OUT



      I am trying the functionality of servicemix-bean component and following the example where I am setting the response to be sent back to the caller, aka INOUT exchange.  As clearly described in the example this can only be done when the exchange is IN/OUT.  When the code gets executed I get the exception that the exchange is IN ONLY and therefore this code can not be executed.  My question is how do I make sure that the exchange is IN/OUT.  Is this configured anywhere


      BTW, the input into bean component is jms-consumer component.


      Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: How to set exchange MEP as IN/OUT

          The message exchange pattern is determined by the first component accepting or creating the message (e.g. a bc consumer or an internal timer). You cannot change the MEP programmatically.


          If you require an InOut MEP, perhaps use a http consumer or cxf consumer as the initial component in your flow.