2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 7, 2008 2:55 PM by italost

    Removing Ghost Queues


      Hello All


      I'm currently doing some testing and investigation for a potential future project.


      My initial tests involved using ServiceMix 3.2.1 acting as a two way bridge between two applications sending text messages wrapped in XML In/Out using the ESBs built in ActiveMQ.


      I had a few problems dynamically redeploying the test ServiceAssembly when I modified it so decided to switch to Fuse instead (also had a few newer camel features I wanted).


      I've updated my application build to use what I believe is the correct repositories versions etc.


      It does not run quite correctly and using JConsole reveales that there are unexpected consumers on my Input Queues. Undeploying and restarting shows the Queues being started with something attached to them even though my service is not deployed. Possibly a hang over from the ServiceMix issues.


      I've Uninstalled Fuse, completely deleted both it and ServiceMix directories, restarted the machine, reinstalled Fuse and started it up clean without deploying anything.


      The queues are still there with stuff connected!!!


      How can I get rid of them?


      Thanks for any help



        • 1. Re: Removing Ghost Queues



          Are those built-in queues (like the JMS flow queues) or are there unexpected consumers on your own queues?  If you ever have a problem like this with ESB, there's no need to uninstall -- just deleting everything in the data/ directory gives you a clean environment to start with.


          Just two additional questions -- do you have other developers working with the same SAs and is multicast enabled on your embedded ActiveMQ instance (it is by default, unless you have disabled it)?





          • 2. Re: Removing Ghost Queues

            Hi Chris.


            I have been trying to reproduce the error you talked about but always I get the expected consumer number.


            Could give us more details about the implementation? How are you creating the consumers and queues?





            Italo Stefani

            Vetta Technologies