1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 5, 2008 7:28 AM by socallag

    executing wsdl_first in samples



      thanks for your kind reply.

      In wsdl_first,i have executed till "wsdl2java -d build\classes -compile .\wsdl\hello_world.wsdl" and it went fine so far. after that i executed the three commands mentioned in readme.txt. then while compiling the provided client and server applications in windows with the commands given as


      start   java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=%CXF_HOME%\etc\logging.properties



          java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=%CXF_HOME%\etc\logging.properties

             demo.hw.client.Client .\wsdl\hello_world.wsdl

      my question is do i need to give the above command in a single commandwindow or not? pls suggest me. its my first example in IONA.