0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 3, 2008 12:02 PM by wfreitas

    Configuring Servicemix to work with an external ActiveMQ broker:


      Configuring Servicemix to work with an external ActiveMQ broker:



        - Servicemix 3.3.x installed on $SERVICEMIX_HOME folder.

        - ActiveMQ 5.x installed on $AMQ_HOME folder.

        - $JAVA_HOME env variable pointing to JDK 1.5 root folder.


      Servicemix configuration:



      1. Edit $SERVICEMIX_HOME/conf/activemq.xml and change it to the following content:





      2. Open a command prompt and start the AMQ broker running:



      3. Open a command prompt and start Servicemix service:



      ActiveMQ configuration:



      No extra configuration steps are required for ActiveMQ. If AMQ is running on

      the same SMX box disable JMX to avoid port conflicts. To disable JMX edit $AMQ_HOME/conf/activemq.xml and add the attribute useJmx="false" to the broker tag.



      Wilson Freitas

      Vetta Technologies