0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 3, 2008 12:11 PM by wfreitas

    Configuring Servicemix to work with an external ActiveMQ broker (Fixed)



        - Servicemix 3.3.x installed on $SERVICEMIX_HOME folder.

        - ActiveMQ 5.x installed on $AMQ_HOME folder.

        - $JAVA_HOME env variable pointing to JDK 1.5 root folder.


      Servicemix configuration:



      1. Replace the file $SERVICEMIX_HOME/conf/activemq.xml by the attached activemq.xml file.


      2. Edit the new activemq.xml file (from previous step) and change the connection factory brokerURL attribute to point to the remote AMQ broker.


      3. Open a command prompt and start the AMQ broker running:



      4. Open a command prompt and start Servicemix service:



      ActiveMQ configuration:



      No extra configuration steps are required for ActiveMQ. If AMQ is running on

      the same SMX box disable JMX to avoid port conflicts