1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 22, 2008 9:29 AM by janstey

    Problem with ActiveMQ and FTP


      Hello to all,



      since I am pretty new to the message broker I experience a problem I can't solve:


      I want to get files from a FTP server every 5 minutes a push them into the MQ.

      After starting, the log shows enabling the ftp bean but then it throws an exception.


      Attached you find the config file.

      This is the error log...:


      Loading message broker from: xbean:activemq.xml

      INFO  DefaultCamelContext            - JMX enabled. Using InstrumentationLifecycleStrategy.

      INFO  BrokerService                  - Using Persistence Adapter: AMQPersistenceAdapter(/opt/iona/fuse-message-broker-

      INFO  AMQPersistenceAdapter          - AMQStore starting using directory: /opt/iona/fuse-message-broker-

      INFO  KahaStore                      - Kaha Store using data directory /opt/iona/fuse-message-broker-

      INFO  AMQPersistenceAdapter          - Active data files: []

      INFO  BrokerService                  - ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (localhost) is starting

      INFO  BrokerService                  - For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org/

      INFO  KahaStore                      - Kaha Store using data directory /opt/iona/fuse-message-broker-

      INFO  TransportServerThreadSupport   - Listening for connections at: tcp://esb02:61616

      INFO  TransportConnector             - Connector openwire Started

      INFO  TransportServerThreadSupport   - Listening for connections at: ssl://esb02:61617

      INFO  TransportConnector             - Connector ssl Started

      INFO  TransportServerThreadSupport   - Listening for connections at: stomp://esb02:61613

      INFO  TransportConnector             - Connector stomp Started

      INFO  TransportServerThreadSupport   - Listening for connections at: xmpp://esb02:61222

      INFO  TransportConnector             - Connector xmpp Started

      INFO  NetworkConnector               - Network Connector default-nc Started

      INFO  BrokerService                  - ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (localhost, ID:esb02-46965-1229814264150-0:0) started

      INFO  log                            - Logging to org.slf4j.impl.JCLLoggerAdapter(org.mortbay.log) via org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog

      INFO  log                            - jetty-6.1.14

      INFO  WebConsoleStarter              - ActiveMQ WebConsole initialized.

      INFO  /admin                         - Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher'

      INFO  log                            - ActiveMQ Console at

      INFO  log                            - ActiveMQ Web Demos at

      INFO  log                            - RESTful file access application at

      INFO  log                            - FUSE Web Console at

      INFO  log                            - Started SelectChannelConnector@

      Failed to execute main task. Reason: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/net/ftp/FTPClient

      INFO  BrokerService                  - ActiveMQ Message Broker (localhost, ID:esb02-46965-1229814264150-0:0) is shutting down

      INFO  NetworkConnector               - Network Connector default-nc Stopped

      INFO  TransportConnector             - Connector openwire Stopped

      INFO  TransportConnector             - Connector ssl Stopped

      INFO  TransportConnector             - Connector stomp Stopped

      INFO  TransportConnector             - Connector xmpp Stopped

      INFO  BrokerService                  - ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (localhost, ID:esb02-46965-1229814264150-0:0) stopped



      Any ideas and hints for me ?


