1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 26, 2009 9:54 AM by dkulp_dkulp

    How to use STS with CFX



      Looking for any information, examples and/or thoughts on how to use cxf with STS (Microsoft Geneva) and SAML token. Have been searching for past few days with no luck, any help will be much appreciated





        • 1. Re: How to use STS with CFX

          This is something that is targetted for CXF 2.2/Services Framework 2.2. 


          Basically, for 2.2, we will support the WS-SecurityPolicy stuff that the .NET stuff produces.   That will include the "IssuedToken" policy.


          If you want to see some of it "working", you can checkout the CXF InteropPlugFest stuff from:


          the wstrust13 directory has a client that gets a SAML token from the MS STS and uses that to securely talk to the service.