3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 20, 2009 5:25 AM by socallag

    wsdl2java does not generate impl stubs


      Hi There -


      With the latest Fuse 3....


      Using wsdl2java starting from wsdl and using XmlBeans, I can not get wsdl2java to generate impl stubs.  I have tried using -impl, -all, -pleaseDoEverythingINeed to no avail.  Anyone have any ideas?


      Looks like this has been seen before, and presumably fixed? -




      Many thanks.


      -- Rob

        • 1. Re: wsdl2java does not generate impl stubs

          Hi Rob,


          I have run a simple wsdl2java -impl hello_world.wsdl, using the wsdl from the wsdl_first sample and this runsas expected generating impl stubs.

          I was using the latest


          Does this work for you?


          Can you give the command you are using to help reproduce the problem?





          • 2. Re: wsdl2java does not generate impl stubs

            Hi Sean -


            Thanks for your response.  Sorry I didnt clarify the following...


            I was trying to run wsdl2java with the CXF Maven wsdl2java plugin, as follows:


                        $/target/jaxws</sourceRoot>                             <wsdlOptions>                                 <wsdlOption>                                     <wsdl>$/src/main/resources/wcs1_1_2.wsdl


            In that case, the -impl does not work and doesnt generate the stubs. 


            On the other hand, trying to run wsdl2java -impl hello_world.wsdl from a bash shell works fine (though doesnt with cshell).




            -- Rob

            • 3. Re: wsdl2java does not generate impl stubs

              Hi Rob,


              I'm not sure what is going wrong for you, I've tried to reproduce the problem here but I see stubs and impl's being created as expected.


              I modified the wsdl_first demo adding into the pom.xml:





