1. Re: webinar not archived always
goelshek Apr 29, 2009 3:52 PM (in response to owulff_oliver.wulff)Does anyone know when the Webinars are archived? I see older webinars in the list of "Live Webinars" but since they are expired I can't access them. Is it possible to move those webinars into the list of archived ones so people can start viewing them.
2. Re: webinar not archived always
adrian.trenaman Apr 30, 2009 9:45 AM (in response to goelshek)Hi there,
Just checked with the folk inside fusesource.com; these webinars should be available soon. They're currently being edited and tidied up.
3. Re: webinar not archived always
goelshek May 12, 2009 10:10 AM (in response to adrian.trenaman)Adrian,
Would it be possible for you to check up again as to what's happening. Earlier there used to be semi-dead links against the webinars that had passed but were still listed in the live webinars section. Now, those old webinars are just gone ! I was hoping they'd be moved to the archived webinars section, but they are just nowhere to be seen. Any clue as to what's the deal?